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Everything posted by livingart

  1. 8 month old pair of bangai i bred and kept back are holding eggs :happy1: so are their parents :facepalm:
  2. yes i ended up using a large piece of driftwood that came up out of water in the center of tank left swimming room round the back of it helped break up line of sight when i had the aro community
  3. the 100cm wide tanks are almost too wide to lean into to access the back of tank when they are up against a wall a breeze if you have walk in behind space
  4. both love well crafted novels
  5. simulating the simulacrum's a simulated mote in gods eye
  6. remember to put some drainage on pond to make it easier to clean out
  7. bummer depending on the individual fishes physiology symptoms can express differently usually by the time we notice something is wrong with a fish it is an advanced stage catching and moving them just adds more stress which can lower their immune system even further it takes awhile for either disease to develop and show on fish keep your eye on the rest of fish and keep water parameters good
  8. as soon as you net fish out to treat it you up the stress levels if you don't have any treatments available there is not much you can do anyway except a water change
  9. could be ich or possibly velvet keep your parameters good over the years have tried a lot of things as mf4l said i just ride it out now and keep stress levels down on the fish
  10. the eggs can blow around on the wind they are not entirely aquatic
  11. it looks like the native one better pic of underside would be good
  12. you could always buy a tree http://www.copperfield-nurseries.co.nz/oranges.html
  13. legally under the taking of freshwater crustaceans you could only catch 25 a day you would need a permit to sell them
  14. i think lepidurus apus viridis is our local species found mainly in the sth island get them breeding http://mytriops.com/articles/triops_care.stm
  15. triops well done there must be more easy to breed http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Triops
  16. as long as the other plants and fish can handle it
  17. go blackout something is feeding it so it is a process of elimination
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