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Everything posted by chaat

  1. There is a seller on Trade Me named "woodpia". He has custom made quite a few pieces for us at fantastic prices, including our tank stand. He has a showroom over the shore, but factory is in Henderson. Give him a call with the dimensions, I'm sure he will be quite reasonable.
  2. If the seeds are on the allowable list they can be imported ,but you do need phytosanitary certification. If the paperwork does not accompany the seeds you will be given a couple of weeks to obtain it or they are destroyed. We tried with Japanese White Pine seeds for Brendon's bonsai obsession, but the seller never got the paperwork through on time and the seeds were destroyed.
  3. Library card system Caryl. My kids are always borrowing books, dvd's and cd's , I started a notebook that they have to log all borrowing just so I can know where things have gone. Only way to remember.
  4. Sorry, just saw this. She is a blood Elf, but I'm seriously considering a racial change to troll .. they are awesome hunters. I just hate their starting zones.
  5. Caelestraz Here too. 76 Hunter is my main toon .I'm getting there slowly. Horde FTW.
  6. I'm just getting to the end of season 3 online. Can't wait for 4 though ..John Lithgow must be amazing in that role. I was gutted when TV3 dropped it after just 3 episodes in season 2.
  7. Years ago I used to regular the yahoo chatrooms. I got into a rather heated discussion with some fool on there who told me I was talking ...well you know the word. I decided to change my name for a laugh, just to annoy the jerk and thought I'd try chat instead of talk, but wasn't allowed so I added the extra 'a' to chaat and finished with the more accepable chit. I logged back in as chaatchit, and had a hilarious night and it stuck. I use chaat now because I'm just to lazy to type the rest. But ... yeah, my name basically means I talk ...
  8. Congrats. He is absolutely gorgeous.
  9. I have two chocolate cats in need of a good home, but I'm in Auckland and not confident with shipping. If you can find someone to collect, you can have them.
  10. Hope you had a great day yesterday.
  11. chaat

    OH DEAR!

    Oh no, what a nightmare.
  12. Now, Now A-town... Apparently the average age of non casual, long term players in WOW is 31 years old. I turned 43 a few days ago and WOW game cards were the top of my birthday list. A few months ago I found one of the guys in my guild was a member on here I had bought a filter from. What servers are your toons on fish_fingers ?
  13. I picked up three from Animates Lincoln Rd. Maybe shoot A-Town a msg and see if there's any more.
  14. chaat

    ID Please.

    Thank You Dixon. there were only the three in the store, but I really want to get some more. Now I know their name I might have better luck.
  15. chaat

    ID Please.

    I bought these little guys a couple of weeks ago, and can't for the life of me remember what they are :oops: I tried ringing the store, but their one good salesperson wasn't there and no one had any idea what I meant. Not a good pic, but they move so quickly, and the Sawbwa rasboras would not leave the scene to get a good shot..
  16. I bought one from Animates Lincoln Rd week before last. It had a mild case of whitespot, but I was detirmined to have it even though I was kind of advised against it ( great staff there). Whitespot disappeared the next day and hasn't shown again. My little one is a happy little fella ( or fell-ess) and seems very happy and healthy. Fingers crossed it stays that way. This is mine.
  17. Lemon cream cheese icing. I'm just not a big chocolate fan.
  18. I'm glad you saw past the used old dog, and saw how much love he still had to give. So many don't. He passed well loved and loving. RIP Cash. now .. where are the tissues.
  19. Lumpheads . Mine just don't stop breeding.
  20. Thanks for the replies guys. I've had these since December, they are about 9 months old. The tank has been running since late October ... filter was established on another tank before transferring to this one. I do a gravel vac and water change of around 30% weekly , and check parameters midweek just for peace of mind. They have only just started doing it, and they only do it in one spot in the tank. In fact looking at them now, they are chasing each other out of the way to rub in that spot. Their colour seems normal, and they are eating voraciously as usual. The clowns are fine .. bouncing around as usual. Maybe they are just quirky fish.
  21. My fronts have started flashing over the past week. Water tests fine. From what I've read it is most likely flukes. I have adtape and see the dosage is 26ml per 100L, for 3 days. What I need to know is how much water to change between doses, if it's necessary to do this for 3 weeks, and if the clown loaches in the tank will cope / I will be able to drop the water level to between 200-250 L from the 450 ish it's at now. I know this has been covered many times .. and I've read through many historical posts on the subject, but I've read too much and confused my poor little brain :oops: .. so for that I apologise. TIA.
  22. I pay a little extra in my PAYE every month and just got a nice refund of just under 1K.
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