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Everything posted by chaat

  1. It's maybe 15 mins from Massey depending on route taken. I'd be intersted in coming to the Green Bay meetings. I'm in the Waimauku/ Helensville area. Second Tuesday of the month.. right ?
  2. My deepest sympathy to Rose and family.
  3. Some nice suggestions there .. might not be so bad afterall. I do like the Oscars, they just take up so much space and do limit choices a tad. The blue Dempseys, I have drooled over them already. I think one of those could certainly get rid of the sulks
  4. I am getting closer to my big tank being up and running and it's time to decide on who is moving in. Tank is 5' and around 400L. I was really wanting a mixed cichlid setup with quite high stocking levels for colour and movement. Hubby has decided he wants an Oscar :evil: . Everywhere I go around the house .. my fishbooks have been left open to pages on these beasties. Everytime he looks at the tank.. he mentions Oscars ( and Aro's which I have no desire for whatsoever). I have to admit to being more than a bit sulky as this fish throws my plans ( for my tank !) right out the window. I've googled, but seem to get a lot of conflicting ideas on tankmates for an Oscar. I do want to put a pleco in there .. but what else could live in relative harmony with a beastie of that size ?
  5. My local vet sells the adtape liquid in 50ml bottles for around $13.00 if that's any help to anyone.
  6. Well.. I guess I'll be taking him back down to the LFS to choose some more fish for his tank. The Kribs can move into one of the bigger tanks .. pleanty of room in a couple for them. I made a point of asking the sales person about the Kribs being ok in that tank too :evil: I've never had them myself, so knew nothing about them. Caleb thought they were awesome though. Back to the drawing board. Any suggestions on small funky fish for a 5 year olds bedroom tank ?
  7. Not for his room unfortunately. The little Aqua one is as much space as he has. The Cory's are now shuffling around the community tank looking happier already. Seem to have made friends with the Schwartzi's in there. Caleb's tank is looking pretty bare now. Are there any top swimmers who would cope with the Kribs ? Tania.
  8. *sighs* that's what I thought. Thanks ... from the Cory's especially.
  9. My son has a small Aqua One 380 tank. In it we have a pair of Kribs, two tiny bristlenoses, and three small bronze cory's. The Kribs have claimed the front 2/3rds of the tank and the cory's have been relegated to the very back and are seldom seen. I've tried rearranging the 'furniture' in there but it seems to make no difference .. the Kribs just reclaim the whole area regardless of where I place their cave. Should I just give up and remove the cory's to another tank or keep trying. I really don't want to leave them there if they are going to be herded into a corner constantly. Tania.
  10. chaat

    Guppies Dying

    Thanks. I guess it's just 'one of those things' with guppies. Hopefully the female fry I have now will be a bit hardier.
  11. chaat

    Guppies Dying

    My daughters Guppy tank seems to be in crisis. I have checked water .. all readings are good. PH is a little on the low side but not hugely so. Tank is an AR380 and has around 9 adult guppies, 4 peppered cory , 2 tiny brislenoses and some 15-20 guppy fry( 2 weeks old..so tiny still) We have lost two female guppies in the past two weeks ( both yellow girls and both following birth) and three more are this morning sitting on the bottom of the tank looking thin and bent. They seem to be hunched over. What could be causing this ? It's been a good three weeks since any new guppies were added, and they had been in a Q tank for three weeks prior to that. Tania.
  12. Hmm I just checked out my flying fox, looking for the points brought up above. He/She has only one set of barbels, the black line runs through the tail and clear fins .. should I assume he/she is not a flying fox after all ? Tania.
  13. chaat

    New Setup

    Great stuff ! I'm pretty happy about that. Sometimes compromise is just too hard,but it seems like we can both have our favourites. Now ... to start learning more about Cichlid varieties/ compatibilities. Tania.
  14. chaat

    New Setup

    10mm glass it is. The guy who made it had it filled for about three days with no problems. I just needed to double check myself for peace of mind. 10 days curing ?.. it was waiting for us to pickup for two weeks, so it's a good three weeks old now. Should be done ..right ? Tania.
  15. Hi Our new tank finally arrived yesterday. It's 1475x400x700H, and the calculator tells me thats around 400L. At the moment it's sitting filled in the garage full to see if it holds. How long should I leave it ? I was assuming it would leak overnight if it was going to .. but not too sure on that . I have two orange plecos in my community tank who will be moving in when it's ready( I'm getting tired of their landscaping efforts), but I'm wanting suggestions on further stocking for it. Hubby wants clown loaches .. but I'm really loving the look of the Africans. I have seen plecos in with Africans ..so I'm guessing they can cope with the PH difference fine. I'm really looking for decent sized fish, lots of colour and personality. I do like to watch my tanks and really enjoy fish that don't just hang there or hide. Tania.
  16. chaat

    Stupid power cut

    Ours was off for just on 24 hours. The bigger tank coped fine, but my small 30L didn't fare so well. I only lost two fish, but .. as fate would have it they were my two favourites. A beautiful Blue Ram .. his colouring was perfection and he was such a friendly little guy, and a white/ red female fighter. I was gutted. Had to do the floating bottle trick , but it was while I was sleeping that those two died. Came out in the morning to the surviving fish doing headstands on the bottom of the tank. I'm thinking generator myself.
  17. chaat


    Thanks for the welcome. Yep .. I'm very excited about the big tank. The hard part is going to be deciding what to put in it... way to many choices. My first dozen or so questions will be coming up very soon.
  18. chaat


    Hi. I'm Tania and I am relatively new to tropical fish keeping, I've had a 100L setup for a few years now .. but really have been winging it so far. I have been learning a lot from these forums, reading up on old posts. We have 3 smallish tanks at the moment (100L, 55L, and 45L and are in the process of getting a big 450 L (approx) setup built. I'll be picking some brains over that one for sure. Thought it was about time I introduced myself .. been lurking in the undergrowth for a couple of weeks now.
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