Name: Hans
Age: 18
Occupation: Semi self employed
Books: Anything with action
Car: Audi A4
Hobbies: Fish, car' know
Pets: Fish, Geckos, Chicken's, know
Location: Central North Island
OK here we go
How I prime:
Empty all hoses and canister
Put the intake in the tank
Suck on the output: this will fill the canister will out any airlocks
Once the water comes out/up the output hose turn the filter on and put the output in the tank
May take a few goes if you havent done it before
Impeller is the bit that spins and pumps water
Iv had "small plants" off that person. Java fern half the size of a a4 page.......was like 1/2 of a a4, if that
When i say and handful i make sure i give more than a handful
I dont touch my filters for months on end, as you can disturb the bacteria if you clean to much and to often
Also after iv cleaned them my tank goes cloudy for a short period
When i mean clean, i just mean a light rinse of the fine medias
Um it depends on the sizes of the fish.
A friend has a dat and 2 Ctenopoma's in his tank and they get on fine. They are all about the same size(full grown Ctenopoma size). Even a full grown dat would not be able to eat his Ctenopoma's
If i get Ctenopoma's they will be with my 4 dats