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Everything posted by cichlid7

  1. Congratulations i would leave them alone and DO NOT put your hands near the eggs as they WILL bit you and it DOES hurt. i found out the hard way :lol: :lol:
  2. the reason i thought dropsey was because 1 of my rams got it and looked pretty much the same but the head was slightly different
  3. can not tell from pics but possibly normal with bloat or dropsey as it does not look the right shape for a balloon
  4. yea i thought so lol would one like this do http://cgi.ebay.com.au/MARINE-SOURCES-P ... m153.l1262
  5. just saw these and was wondering if they would be any good? http://cgi.ebay.com.au/NEW-PROTEIN-SKIM ... dZViewItem http://cgi.ebay.com.au/Aquarium-Fish-Ta ... dZViewItem i guess they wont be but thought id ask just incase
  6. i use the ones from bunnings etc they are less than $10 each.
  7. the 2 i have seem very friendly :lol:
  8. ring a local glass company and ask how much for a sheet of glass the size you need, dont forget about the thickness. Lots of places charge different prices for glass awhile ago when i wanted to get some glass cut i rung a few places and it was for a few bits but the price difference was amazing. the cheapest was $45 compared to $82 But depending on the size it should be about $10
  9. Can Yellowtail Damsels live in the same tank as 3 spot damsels?? Thanks
  10. Water supply for most Christchurch homes has been chlorinated after potentially dangerous E.coli bacteria was discovered in the city's largest reservoir. The E.coli was discovered during a regular test of the 37,000-cubic metre water reservoir on Huntsbury Avenue in St Martins on Thursday and chlorine was added on Friday. The contamination meant two smaller reservoirs with a total capacity of 1465cu m of water had to be chlorinated. Christchurch City Council pumps and control manager Graeme Black said the reservoirs supply water to most households south of Brougham Street all the way out to New Brighton. Christchurch's water supply is untreated, but chlorine is added if regular council tests of reservoirs and pipes detect any bugs. The Huntsbury contamination has been traced to rainwater leaking into the reservoir through a crack in the concrete tank. The crack was sealed yesterday morning. Black said the reservoir had not been chlorinated since it was cleaned out four years ago and the contamination was "very, very rare". "We have tested it every day and it has cleared any bugs that were in the system," he said. The test found one E.coli microbe every 100 millilitres of water in the reservoir, so 0.5 parts of chlorine per million of water was added to clean out the supply. Tap water would smell and taste slightly of chlorine until the reservoir is completely refreshed by Friday, said Black. http://www.stuff.co.nz/thepress/4668684a6530.html
  11. cichlid7

    to many pets ?

    3 cats 2 dogs 6 birds 50+ Goldfish 1 Marine tank 40+ tropical tanks full of fish
  12. ok i guess i am the only one that saw his post :lol: :lol: he wanted to know if anyone had 5 different types of cockatoo's (i can not remember which ones) because there was this guy that he knew in Germany who wanted some and he would swap for some really wicked pleco's if charlie could send him those birds. then charlies last reply was yea i know, but do you know how much these pleco's are worth then 5mins later he decided to go all Dotty on us :lol: :lol:
  13. do you know how much these birds are worth :lol: :lol: well over $1000each
  14. :lol: I think he wants to know what fish other people in Cambridge have :lol:
  15. as above tank size temp.. etc... thanks
  16. some smaller south american ones do fine like rams etc...
  17. Ok I have sent one and also asked for the account number to be put on aswell
  18. i would send on too but i dont know what to say :oops: if someone would pm me a template i would love to send it 8)
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