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Everything posted by Milet

  1. Sweet then. I Put in two very small ones the other night and i put in one this morning that disapeared too.
  2. He's still turning down all non-live food. And he is also very inactive and just hides in his cave, even at lights out, for the first few hours anyway. For a few hours each day im going to remove his cave with the lights on and place his food in about the same place. I tried this for the first time today, and wen i returned to the tank, most of the worms/shrimp have gone - hopefully into his mouth and not the filter. I Rung the shop i got him from - they said they feed flakes every second day and then once a week they feed bloodworms. Are tadpoles a bad source of food for him every now and then?
  3. cool loop. do they have any left?
  4. Im seriously debating whether to get it or not lol...
  5. Lol im going to do some reaserching on dats now then david. What sort of size do they get to and would it keep up with the growth rate of my clown?
  6. Whats everyones opinions on putting a Bichir, Choc talking catfish and a pleco as tankmates
  7. Milet


    Welcome Puddle Looking forward to see what u do with your 200L
  8. Oh real? I'll just go try it in public
  9. Yeahp it pretty sweet. I wouldnt mind a couple of them in my back lawn. Someone posted it earlier http://www.fnzas.org.nz/fishroom/some-people-just-have-to-take-it-that-little-bit-further-vt21136.html
  10. :lol: You know you want to
  11. awesome :D I'll have a chat to ya bout it next time im on MSN
  12. Aww i wish i was that lucky I'll have to have a look on trademe for a couple of hundred to start up a farm
  13. Sorry to hear about your loss tsarmina
  14. Thats cool! Are you going to or have you started?
  15. I Suppose, i can sleep through all my filters, but its the noise of bubbles i cant sleep through lol. So so annoying. Okay, so i will go with a Sump then, What equipment will i need? Main Tank (with Holes drilled?) Bottom Tank (what size?) Custom Stand Heaters Peat Filter Wool Bio Media What else? What sort of pump gets the water through the tank and sump?
  16. Are "Reds (L.rubellus) and Tigers (E.fetida)" okay to feed fish with?
  17. Thanks david. Seems kinda simple. I suppose now the main factor would be noise, because the tank will be in my bedroom. How noisy is the pump in a sump and the trickling?
  18. haha yeah how much $$ per hour kapo? Hmm ill try the jumping trick later lol sounds fun and good exercise
  19. BTW: Slinky is Clown Knife's name
  20. :oops: Sorry for spamming but dont worry i found a little bit of what i needed
  21. Another thing to cross off the list; Tadpoles. I put our two smallest one in with him. He has made a friend :evil: DUH SLINKY THAT WAS UR LUNCH
  22. Anyone know how quickly an Arowana grows? I cant find it on the internet, but i found the clown knifes growth rate, i just want to see if they will grow up together
  23. lol i dont have a compost heap
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