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Everything posted by Milet

  1. Nice. I have my 4 foot tank as a temporary home for my Clown Knifefish and Pleco. I'm still changing it all around and I'm thinking of changing the substrate so I can put my Geophagus in there and some eels when the Knife leaves. The knife will be leaving once he has outgrown the 4 foot and into a 6 foot. Next to that I have my 3 foot which holds a small school of tiger and rosy barbs, Moonlight Gourami, Snakeskin Gourami, Geophagus Surinamensis, some kribensis (albino and normal) and My two Pufferfish are temporarily living in there untill One of my other tanks are free. And another 3 foot wich holds My breeding angelfish, a chinese algae eater, a Bristlenose and a Jag cichlid is in a guppy breeder in that tank untill i find him a new home. We also have a 3 foot with some big axolotyls, my puffers old 70L wich currently has a couple hundred tadpoles in it and then theres aarons(dixon1990)2or3 thanks too.
  2. heya did ya have a look at this http://www.fnzas.org.nz/fishroom/ribbon-tail-guppies-vt6945.html
  3. Cheers aaron. I still got some re-arranging to do and some more riccia to atach to the bare pieces
  4. Milet


    If u want a floating plant for shelter, i recomend indian fern. I use it, its really good. I use riccia and java moss on my driftwood and it looks sweet
  5. I just put in the driftwood then. It looks pretty kewl if ya ask me, il put a pic up if anyone wants. I Just attached some java moss to it and another plants (maybe riccia?). And i had to put a huge rock on it
  6. Cheers spidersweb. I was looking at old posts and i noticed that you had a post about rotting wood, then you had your picture on the second page, it looked real cool. Did the water clear up at all?
  7. Thanks Ira. I Dont have anything to test it in. If i just put it in my tank now, and it leeches heaps of tannins, is there anything i can add to remove it? Rather than heaps of water changes?
  8. Cheers everyone just spent all that time since last post scrubbing it down. quite a bit of green stuff was on it from the garden, but its all gone now and its nearly completly clean. Except ive got nothnig big enough to let it soak in coz its quite a big piece of wood
  9. Hey all I've had a big piece of driftwood in my garden for a few months now that was taken straight from sumner beach and ive just noticed it and it would look real nice in my tank. Could i put it in my tank or not? WOuld i have to give it much of a wash down? Im just sick of buying wood and waiting for months for all the tannins to leak. Id have to weigh it down with rocks or something to huh
  10. wow that looks very cold i hope neither of you fall in there
  11. Thats what most people have reccomended Cheers Are they good in groups to?
  12. Havnt really picked the tankmates yet. But if i keep the clown knifefish then it would be that, along with suitable tankmates as in http://www.fnzas.org.nz/fishroom/clown-knife-tankmates-vt22063.html but if i do not keep it then im not sure what sort of fish i will have. Just fish that grow big :-?
  13. Hey all. I don't know anything about any catfish. But I just wanted to know what sort of catfish would match my requirements (or close enough): 1. Relatively good at cleaning up food leftovers. 2. Grow quite big - or have defence against predators eg. spines 3. Tend to leave plants alone (not essential) 4. Is not a pleco. Thanks heaps
  14. heya, get a few cories and some zebra danios would look kool
  15. And how are your clown knifefish going? Any missing fish?
  16. Milet

    lot of fish

    whered u manage that
  17. I still havent found anymore yet. Redwood should have some in a few months maybe :-?
  18. What you watching this space for loopy??
  19. Dont really think Dats are for me. Ive been looking around and Im gonna try to a bichir, oscar, Choc talking catfish. All a bit bigger than the knife is now. What other fish would be "Un-eatable", not becuase of size, but just cos' of something else. Eg Spiny fish etc. (sorry im tired i cant even think properly :lol: )
  20. Sweet looking tank :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: Keep it up
  21. Sweet Link They are such cool fish
  22. ive only tried floting ones so i could try sinking ones
  23. so what size are these likely to get
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