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Everything posted by Milet

  1. Wow Sorry to hear about your accident alan, hope your feeling a bit better now (if not just keep taking them painkillers till your trippin) But well done anyways and get well soon
  2. Ohok Thanks Alan. So its normal to get quite a bit of condensation?
  3. Hey does anyone know how i can stop condensation from building up on the lid for my tank? Becuase every time i go to feed my fish or do a water change, i get soaked Is there a way i can stop this? Or even a modified lid i can make to stop it? It could also be from the bubbles of my air pump too
  4. im not sure what plants. i was jsut looknig for something for my guppy fry to hide in once they hatch
  5. Haha nice alan :lol: :lol:
  6. ohhh right thats a bit odd ay
  7. I was jsut reading a website: http://fish.mongabay.com/food.htm and was reading about Vitamins for fish and the effect it has on them and where to attain the vitamins from and mentioned in nearly every one was Paprika. Would i just mix this in with my tropical fish flakes or whatever i feed my fishies? Same with all the other ones e.g eggs, cereal etc just seems weird ay Thanks
  8. Wow Thanks heaps everyone! That will save me so much money from now on!!! Christchurch rules
  9. Ohok. I was just asking because you can clearly tell difference between tasting Christchurch water and other cities water. I have only tried kaikouras water, and its more chlorine than water But yeah..
  10. Oh for real? You know how much a water purifier costs?
  11. Hey anyone and everyone. I live in Christchurch, and i was jsut wondering if i need to add water ager to the water? since the water here doesnt seem as chlorinated as other cities. thankies!
  12. Milet

    This or that

    Magazine Fish or chips
  13. Ohok I have mozzy larvae at the mo
  14. The axies started hatching yesterday, not many more of them look like they are going to hatch. Only about 20 . ah well
  15. I Got the Guppies and.......... :oops: they are too cute too feed to my big fishies :oops:
  16. Lol yeah thats right thanks afrikan
  17. ohhhok. Yeah thats why i asked, because we just purchased a bunch of guppies today, all from the same stock so yeah
  18. Cheers for clearing that up :oops: i think thats the last of my n00bish questions :oops: i should really invest in some fishkeeping books
  19. Can fish from the same "parents" Spawn?? Like brothers and sisters? Lol I was just wondering that because ive never been quite sure.. thanks
  20. My filter makes my water flow pretty fast, will my Floating plants that i'm about to buy be okay in this? thanks a bunch
  21. (taking over for dixon1990) we just fed the angels some mosquito larvae, they went crazy! All eaten in less than a minute lol.
  22. ill try to get a pic of it for you coz 1 of mine does it quite a bit
  23. yeah one of mine climbed its way out of a ice cream container while i was transporting fish
  24. Hey does anyone know the names of good floating plants? I know of the java one, but i saw one the other day that kinda looked like long grass floating
  25. Yea ill keep a constant eye out. Ive built the tank up with lots of rocks for hiding places, looks pretty kool. :lol: Just before i was trying to find the link to a tank picture, i think it was one of your tanks but im not too sure, it had lots of rocks and terracotta pots or something, was that yours?
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