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Everything posted by Navarre

  1. you will have to forgive the sarcasim but the list is not far off...minus teh iggies and chameleons...lol Good luck with exam stuff
  2. Happy birthday Caryl....remeber to only light a few candles at a time...dont want to startle the fire brigade with a small blaze :gigl: May you have many more candles added tho
  3. Fishnoob where are you based? would suggest a three layer approach to your substrate if you are going to plant some thing like daltons aquatic mix if you can find it...just crumble it across the bottom of teh tank, then about a 10-20 mm layer of sand, then alike depth of fine gravel, put your plants in...a mix of fast and slow growing plants then slowily fill your tank with water. Let it run for a week then add a few fish each week. HTH Nav
  4. Always found these more trouble than they are worth. Used reducing male and female components to make mine will try get some pics. Good luck
  5. HMMM do you want what is kept or what is commonly kept? list is reaching it a bit if posts here are considered I would suggets that RES Reeves then Snake Necks in that order Lepoard Geckos, Blue tounges and Bearded Dragons then Water Dragons first three may change places Natives as per Herpt society and DOC grading lists Would suggest any Tort in any speices is less commonly kept and if they are they are only just marginally more common that Green and chineses iggies of course there are also Jap and chinese newts ( a Number of sub speices if colour morphs are to go by) and frogs of all three common species hell if we are making a list Jacksons Chamealons as well Nav
  6. lol different areas so havent tried them together....both to expensive to risk one with the other. lmao
  7. http://www.fnzas.org.nz/fishroom/viewtopic.php?f=32&t=56210 try here
  8. some Turtles have webbed feet rather than Flippers ( who was a dolphin not a piece of anatomy) because they are more land based than aquatic. Nav
  9. let the games begin...and so they have Yes red cap b...Beach forrest/broad leaf podocarp tortoise LMAO
  10. Pohutakawa, The Beach, Northern Rata. Ahhh GodZone....aint she grand
  11. Pics should not include a self portrait of LA trying to fool us with a wise look
  12. Hi Try Ari on 0274193111. Plays in a Band Superb teacher I have found but each to their own...give him a call.
  13. Navarre

    Fay's Reef Tank

    Fay, I have been a memeber here for a wee while and I have kept fish for longer than I dare recall and whilst sometimes some people are upset by what is posted here we are generally a not to bad bunch of people even if I do have a sucky sense of humor and my spelling is horific. With this in mind what you post is your opinon...nothing more nothing less...and you are welcome to it. As far as I am concerned ...not having kept marines EVER...your tank and your dedication to it are stunning. Welcome to the forums proper and I for one would be interested to learn how you got to where you are now, for you to share your experiences and well if your advice needs to be taken with a grain of salt (get it) then so be it. We all need that sometimes. Feel free to post with in the rules and I hope that you make as many bloody good friends as I have by being here. Nav
  14. MIght be hard in dunners to get "aquarium" substrate butthere are soem really good quaries and plant places down there that will have good substrate for you. I have used light sand...coral sand or argonite sand ...and dark in my tanks i like 1-2 mm gravel but size and colour is up to you really not much help but guess garden centre is just as good as pet shop down your way. Nav
  15. Some very great Ideas. But also very expensive what has not been discussed is set vs operational costs so a $10 fan heater costing a dollar a day to heat the room ( mine runs at 28-30 deg to keep water at 25-27 deg depending on how long I leave the door open each day) vs a $100-3000 dollar heat pupm or flued gas fire costing $.50 to run...set up vs op costs. Insulate insulate insulate. fill teh room and then fill the tanks. Then fill the space. for example i keep my shipping poly boxes under my stands or above my tanks in available 'ceiling' space to reduce air volume. Also dry air transfers heat and is easier to heat than wet air. Also I have 70 tanks in my room and they are kept full even in not holding fish. Empty tanks then work as a heat sink. In Winter with Canterbury snow and frosts and occasional power cuts and earthquakes it has not been heat loss that has been an issue it has been circulating water and thus air disolved in water that has been an issue
  16. lol Barry White would have been better I think What size tank Geoff? ManyThanks for Sharing
  17. I use fluro tubes for light and I have an air compressor in my room ( that I am thinking about relocating outside the room). I have floor to ceiling tanks and there is certainly a temp gradient. I run a couple (2-3) heaters in individual tanks (fry/Discus/tanks with specialty fish) otherwise I use a 1 kw fan heater on the floor at one end of my room and thsi keeps my water at head height at 25 deg. I would recomend a dehymidifer as dry air is easier to heat and when I was running one of those in my room odour was less and so was my power bill. Cost will depend on insulation and I have also in the last few months lined the roof of my room with Black polyethyne to get some sort of solar gain Some air movement is gained from the fan heater which I think is a benifit but may also cause flash off of some water? Not sure if it is enough to matter. HTH Nav
  18. I have a small colony of them None available ATM but work in progress
  19. Navarre

    inspire me

    No decision as yet still considering all teh options tho pink clashes with teh colour of my eyes so wont be using pink substrate. Not off topic at all considering all comers suggestions Not sure I will listen to them all but giving all some thought....lol
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