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Everything posted by GZ_Loach

  1. I found another small baby bristlenose and saw an approx week old fry swimming around my rock background. It has a clear/white longish body with 2 or 3 distinct black stripes (like a clown loach only tiny) I have: Bristlenose's Filament barbs Red line torpedo barbs clown loaches small black flying foxs checkered barbs Also discovered hundreds of tiny eggs from my checkered barbs on a plant.
  2. omg skittles, yum. No idea, have you searched google?
  3. If people don't email me back i relist my auctions or If I'm buying I don't complete the trade if the seller doesn't communicate with me. Reading the questions/answers you seem to be a little confused (as would most people attempting DIY) and he does clearly say the transformer is extra, LED's are polarity sensitive so if they don't work check you have them wired up the right way - its probably something silly stopping them from going. And also if they are dim its because you might have too many running off one transformer, the more you have joined together the more voltage drop you'l get (i.e not enough power to run them all at once) If you have a 12v battery lying around connect one LED to that and see how they go
  4. I had no need to be thrifty, the money came from an insurance payout on my old tank which i only paid $400 for, and got $2800 from insurance. Very well made stand with reinforcement in the middle (the whole lenght) so I'm happy. p.s anything made/bought through a business will almost always cost more than what it would if you did it yourself or through "hook ups" due to GST and profit margin.
  5. a canister filter is external, eheim is a good brand just depends what model of eheim you get wheither its suitable for you or not. To stop fry getting sucked into the filter try puting a mesh/net over the intake pipe. aquaone 1200 seem to be the bench mark filter for tanks that size so could be a good option for you, depends how much flow you want in the tank
  6. ghost in a jar $5000 used pens, invisible ink :facepalm:
  7. I've seen someone try sell an air guitar for $100
  8. your full of it you upstuck :yaw2: should i rephrase that for simpletons? common fish COMMON FISH the crappy commons that are always around, and im talking about the obvious noobies that think becuase they have had the fish for a few months and its "grown" that its worth an extra $40
  9. I have the 20k's in now and they don't appear to be as blue/purple as they are on saltwater tanks, in fact they just look white with a light blue fade to them
  10. you can't sell common fish for the same or for more than what they are worth at a petshop :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm:
  11. no no, it turns from weetbix to wet soggy weetbix. I've got a bare metal stand that i plan to clad with mirror like material
  12. You went to the zoo and then saw chocolate zebras in the gift shop :nilly:
  13. maybe piss in the tank :digH:
  14. stands are the last thing ppl want to spend money on :facepalm:
  15. well it is winter, you need 1.5 to 2 times the wattage to maintain a good temperature
  16. get blue, either get proof that blue increases algae growth more than normal or ignore whoever told you :lol: I have 10k (white) mh's and i have awesome algae when I get my 20k (blue/white-ish) lamps I'll let you know in a few days if it makes it grow anymore that what it already is
  17. it is winter, so you basically need one and half to twice the wattage to maintain a good temperature
  18. the stupid thing about glass and fish tanks is that it removes depth, my tank is 90cm deep and it only looks about 50-60cm deep due to the amount of water and thickness of the glass between the front/back of the tank, when i do a water change and the top half of my rock background sticks out of the water you can instantly see the amount of depth the tank has, as soon as the water rises everythings magnefied again :facepalm:
  19. Im going to give 20k a shot :slfg: Checked out a few photos of the bulbs im getting and they don't appear to be very blue like some other brands
  20. looking good :thup: p.s ignore the people with no lives commenting about "illegal" plants, although I can see the potential for the plant to outgrow the tank and somehow walk outside and a few k's down the road and plant itself in the nearest native water supply :facepalm: oh wait, no I can't :sml2:
  21. I asked a dealer on trademe and they were selling them for $70 each no way im going to spend that much on a single lamp :facepalm:
  22. 230v shocks suck, 110v shocks feel really really weird - more of a tingling pins & needles sensation Just thought I would share that with you while someone mentioned it :sml2: Condensation is pretty commmon in heaters, if you have them vertical the heater will prevent it, but if its on an angle you will get hot and cold spots on the heater
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