Can borneo tigers live with severums?oscars? chocolate cichlids? Ive seen them for sale in pet shops and they are really cool but dont know much about them, if they aggresive , would rather hear from people who have had them than read heaps of conflicting stuff off the net
Well, I gave mine just a little bit of beetroot and it went a bright purple overnight, Scared the hell out of me so I took him to vet and they just said it would go in week or so and it did
Got a baby oscar today and a bristlenose, oscars colour looks really cool under the lights but carnt see it properly in pics. Hes already showing himself to be pig of the tank
I was just looking at generaters today, but dont know what size you would need to run couple lizaed and fish tanks?? Anyone know? Had cheap one for $129.00 and it was 0.85kwh??
I bought a 4ft one yesterday from Tankgirl3, brand is ocean free? never heard of brand before but looks cool and goes well but like I said, only bought it yesterday