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Everything posted by bulldogod

  1. Cool, really exciting getting a pup.Have you got a pic of parents?
  2. cool pics, Im looking at upgrading to same camera
  3. bulldogod

    Gold Severums

    Nice fish, I mite get a few more , what have you got in with them?
  4. Fatimas is the best, not sure if they are in other parts of the country tho???
  5. I use poly on my lizard tanks and keeps the heat in nicely
  6. you shoulda added wendys to the test, all of them are rubbish IMO, nothing like the posters that advertise them, makes me glad to be a vegetarian
  7. who is he really, ummm let me guess, ex member :roll:
  8. yeah true LA, few weeks ago she was saying , no more tanks, now shes seeing all the fish when we go places and shes saying we need bigger tanks, :bounce: :bounce:
  9. Thanks, planning on upgrading, every time I go buy fish i see something else I like , good thing is my partner is getting hooked now to, ummm is that a good thing
  10. Tank is 1200x 460x500,Ive got 3 chocolate cichlids about 3inches, 1 baby severum, bought 2 golden bristlenoses today and now want to buy some clown loaches, is tank big enough??
  11. No, Red brand sucks
  12. In photobucket I just click on the img code and highlight it then right click, copy then paste in my post
  13. What do you mean by individually switched ones, LA
  14. Lol, was laughing cause Im proberly same age as you and still gettin caught in my partners pink tops . Took me ages to repto, Im lucky my computer didnt get damaged.
  15. Thanks caryl, thought that was a possibility, will be investing in better ones from now on
  16. Can you get them here Dixon???
  17. Yeah, must be golden, looks yellow,few differant coloured ones would look cool in tank.
  18. cool, just trying to figure out why it happened, dangerous and dont want it happening again
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