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Everything posted by carla

  1. This has been on TM several times now. Due to the high price the fish haven't been sold so far. However the seller writes: **I reserve the right to not sell these frontosa to any person who i feel is inexperienced or have inappropriate equipment** This is not possible as far as I know. The first one to reach reserve price will buy them - if the seller likes it or not. A contract has been entered into and the fish have to be sold to the highest bidder. There is no vetting of the buyer involved at all!!! If the seller is so worried about the fish - then they must be sold by advertising, NOT through an auction site! Thought maybe others might benefit from looking into this too.
  2. Probably Warren He likes to go walkabouts ...
  3. If you search for 'trout pellets' on trademe there are currently 4 different auctions going for 400g, 500g and 700g bags. Prices look quite similar if compared for 100g.
  4. Primary consideration is that they all live together happily ever after, thats why I wanted to know about good mates for the J. transcriptus. However since they tend to breed like rabbits as soon as they are all happy - the next point comes: what to do with the offspring. I don't like to breed fish that I cannot sell, cause I am not going to raise them first and then euthanase them (or give them away as feeder fish). I rather not keep fish at all if that is the case. Hence my question. I am not going to get rich with cichlid kids, thats for sure, however there are cichlids around which cannot give away when they spawn and where every fish shop owner will just take one look into the bucket with the fry and send you on your way ...
  5. Since the girls of all livebearers are roughly double the size of the males, they might just have an advantage of surface to interior when cooling out
  6. Tank size is 225 liters (1.40 x 40cm and 40 high). Am just re-decorating it with nice white marble sand and lots of rocky caves in preparation for the transcriptus to move in. Then what I will add is not quite clear. Pseudotropheus saulosi looks very nice, but probably not in the country. Pseudotropheus demasoni will be difficult to sex and "a minimum of twelve should be kept in any size tank to help disperse aggression..." - not very suitable I would think. Aulonocara hansbaenschi looks good as an adult, but are they saleable as boring little kids? Neolamprologus brichardi would be my favourite, but looks as if these are not very saleable Hmmmm ....
  7. carla

    Avaibly in nz?

    Pseudotropheus saulosi definitely looks good. I wonder if we can get them in NZ?
  8. Unfortunately I am in no state to catch hopping froglets, however there are some bloated tadpoles still around with little legs. I could catch some of them and put them into my backpack and drag them to town if you like.
  9. Have you actually seen them eating a fish under water? Cause I always thought they need to eat things above water once they are fully fledged frogs. I have hundreds of green bell frogs and heaps of minnows and other fish, so would be interested to hear more about that.
  10. My Julidochromis transcriptus have had 3 lots of babies so far, the non-paired up transcriptus are sitting in the corners of the tank and the whole lot needs to move into a bigger tank (I never anticipated that these will actually breed in the small tank they are in - let alone so quickly...). Now that they will make the move soon into a bigger tank there is the option to give them some suitable tank mates, so they have some body else to beat up rather than their brothers and sisters. Or even get beaten up themselves and behave better ... So I'd like to pick your brains as to 1. which fish would make good tank mates for Julidochromis transcriptus 2. and could these off-spring then be sold successfully (cause whatever they are they will most certainly breed...) Cichlids are not so easy to sell in NZ, as most people seem to have community tanks with 1 of each fish they can find... So any experiences (good or bad) would be very welcome to hear (in case you want to spill your secrets). P.S.: Obviously convicts are out, they seem to be sold as feeder fish lately!
  11. I was wondering the same today when i researched "onion plant". Are these in NZ? Or do I have to dig one up from my garden and try?
  12. Well - which fish keeper goes to the vet or to the SPCA regularly? I would have thought hanging them up in the mall (there are several places with these little closed window boxes) or in the library or even at Pak'n'Save (or other supermarkets) messageboard's would net many more people than vets or SPCA?? Of course the 3 pet shops would be good start too.
  13. Wasn't the definition of albino that it has no colouring at all? So it would have red eyes and pale whitish skin. Where would a snake skin pattern show up in an albino?
  14. Mine live happily in an unheated tank in the house. Not sure how they handle frost outdoors? Ask Dixon etc in the South island - they got some off me a while back via Billaney!
  15. Have a look at this question: http://www.trademe.co.nz/Browse/Listing ... ermanent=0
  16. carla


    I wondered that too - hardly any eggs and the eggs are not even hatching. They get lots of live food at present, but yes - maybe too hot?
  17. Join the Killifish Club, like I did. They have a fantastic e-mailed newsletter!
  18. Here we go again talking about coldwater fish and ponds. There is a HUGE difference between pond fish and coldwater tanks! Which I always try to stress to the LFS when I sell them some fish. You cannot keep BN's in a pond over winter, but they live very happily in a unheated tank in your house, provided you heat the house! If you don't they will not be happy to find that the temp has dropped to 12 degrees on a cold mornig and will simply die. So yes - we really have to make a distinction between unheated tanks in a house and ponds outside. Currently both is classed as "cold water".
  19. Well I AM certainly anti GM, but that has nothing to do with these fish. It seems that most of you seem to fail to grasp the difference between a GE'd Glow-Danio and a "Glowlight" Danio, which is a completely legal fish to have, breed and sell. And this is why I HATE common names! There will always be these mis-understandings. Interestingly enough he has now changed the auction. It is now selling "one Kouli Loach", the questions are still there referring to the Danios though. What a laugh!
  20. Dry heat ? Come to the winterless North then! :roll: We had so many tropical storms already with the next one on its way with 30 degrees C and 95% humidity - in the living room - it is a very trying year up here. But at least we have no drought! :lol:
  21. carla


    It is poisonous to humans as well - but we are bigger, so just get a little sick ...
  22. No, the baby has nothing to do with it. It's simply too warm at present. They will get into the mood again when it gets a bit cooler. Feed them well with live food and worms and they will go for it once it cools down a bit.
  23. After doing some research on wintering ponds with goldfish, I am more confused than ever. Some say the fish cannot stay in the pond, others say they can but need a "breathing hole" in the ice ... Can goldfish (the hardy types like comets etc) survive in the pond once its covered in ice? Anybody from the South please?
  24. Well Bristlenoses DO climb! Did the tank have a lid? It could have well sucked itself out and was hiding somewhere on the floor. Its ok over night, but as it gets hot they shrivel up...
  25. The goldfish will eat the leopard babies and once the goldfish get bigger - especially the comets - they will eat the adult leopards too. The same goes for the Mountain minnows.
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