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Everything posted by fattythecatty

  1. GZ Loach mentioned black phantoms, I have these and would highly reccommend them. They're lovely little fish, very active, change colour and I don't find mine to be shy at all. I don't have any reds but the combo would look great together.
  2. No, I've only got her, she's a bit of a rescue fish but will look into getting her a mate when she's settled into the community tank. Have made her a cave with a terracota pot and some plants and she seems happy now. She's not hiding but swimming about checking out her new environment and is bright and alert although I haven't seen her eating yet but I guess that doesn't mean she's not, I just haven't seen her.
  3. Thanks for that, she is much better this afternoon so I'll assume she was stressed from the move, yesterday the heat was up in the thirties. My tanks are running about 28 degrees WITHOUT the heater on. The shock of clean water may have upset her too as the conditions she was in were not very good.
  4. Yesterday I was given a female, or so I'm told, Krib. I've got her quarantined and I'm not too sure about her health. she seems very, well lethargic. She's sitting on the bottom of her tank not doing much. Last night she seemed to have trougle breathing but is ok today. Her tummy has coloured up over night too and every now and then she'll have a little dart about. Is this normal Krib behavior? I guess she's young, about 5cm long. what does she need to make her more comfortable? I'd rather keep her than let her go down the toilet which was her fate before landing at my house!! Help!!
  5. Yep, I thought that was the way to go with heaters, any brand reccommendations. All my current tanks have either Jebo or Aqua One heaters.
  6. The tank is 48/18/18, inches that is. Hope that helps. Not sure what that equates to in litres.
  7. So I've bought my new 4 footer and now I'm gonna have to set it up. What sort of hardware should i be running ie: heaters, filters etc? Don't want to spend a fortune but what will I need? Oh and not hardware but what sort of substrate would you reccommend, something my clown loaches will like? Cheers.
  8. Currently I have 2 3 footers, a small 1 footer (not in use) and a 2 footer ruled by Seymour my Betta but he needs to be near my computer cos he's a nosy buggar and likes to peek out of the floating plants while I'm working. My next project is the 4 footer for the loaches and that will definately go in the hall.
  9. Some fish can be really fussy, especially if it's a new food to them. Wait till they get established, my male dwarf is the bossiest fish in the tank, what he lacks in size he makes up for in attitude, his name is LG- short for Little Grump!
  10. I head back to Queenstown on Monday, my new house has this extremely wide hallway, like 8 foot wide(!!!!!) so guess what's going all along the wall in the hall? Not looking forward to moving all the fish but there's a small, secret fish shop there so that's good. The owner has agreed to take some of my sword babies before I get over run as I think all the ladies are pregnant again! Then I can concentrate on my new project.
  11. Ive seen mine do it every night now since I got them, all piled up together, sideways, upside down but I'm over the shock now and just giggle at them cos they are sooo cute! Afrikan, I know the 3 footer is not ideal in the long run but at the mo' they are only small, about 8/9cms and I'm making arrangements for a bigger tank. Honest, I wouldn't have them if I couldn't care for them properly. That's why I'm trying to get their choice of tank mates right and am always keen for advise.
  12. Wow, Billaney, those are nice gourami, wouldn't mind some of those in my gourami tank!!
  13. I have 3 at the moment, I also have 3 angels that will out grow their current tank soon so thought they might make good tank mates and maybe a school of larger tetra. I'd be quite keen on some kribs but worry about aggression.
  14. Only had these guys for a few days but they'rre quickly turning into my favourites. So, have ordered a new 4 footer for them but what about tank mates, any suggestions? This will be my biggest tank so far so I'm a bit in the dark here.
  15. My gouramis have a couple of spots on the bottom of the tank that they like but for the most part they hang about at the top of the tank and I think that's where they're supposed to be. Sometimes they can be quite shy fish, is there anyone else hassling them in the tank?
  16. Oops, sorry, this was supposed to be in freshwater not here, maybe someone can move it for me!!!!
  17. Went to turn out the light off on my tank tonight and there was 1 of my new clown loaches lying on it's side, "no" I cried and rushed to save it " What the hell's all the shouting about?" said the loach and swum off to join his mates. I'd heard plenty about them doing this but wasn't prepared for seeing it. Everybody loves a comedian!! :oops:
  18. I love them to bits already and they're a great splash of colour. So I'm thinking about a 4 footer, what would be good tank mates for them? My fish guy had soom awesome silver tip tetras, about 4-5cms long, the biggest I've ever seen, he also had some great Kribs but I've never had cichlids before, except my Angels who are young and mellow and I worry about aggression. Any suggestions?
  19. Oooooh, I have them, all 3. Bought them yesterday, floated them in the tank overnight gradually adding my tank water. Did a water change beforehand. Released them this morning and so far all good. I expected them to be quite shy but they're out playing in the bubble wall and generally making themselves at home. Think my big bronze cory has his nose a bit out of joint tho'! fingers crossed all goes well as they sure are gorgeous wee things. Now plans are under way for a bigger tank but not till we move back to civilisation!!
  20. That's just what I hoped to hear, I'm off to the fish shop soon. He had some huge silver tip tetras too, I'm gonna keep them in mind for a bigger tank too. Found a local glass guy that can make me a bigger tank, he's gonna give me a quote on a 4 footer or maybe 5 foot I'm not sure yet. i'll need a second job!!
  21. They had 3 left in the store. My largest available tank is a 3 footer as these are still quite small I wonder if I could keep them in there until I get something bigger. Are they fast groweers? Or am I just clutching at straws here?
  22. Wow, those barbs are really nice. How big do they get?
  23. I saw my first clown loaches in the flesh today, odd I know but i live in the middle of nowhere! Oh, but they were gorgeous. They were only small, about 8cm but I know they'll grow too big for my tanks. Oh but I wanted them soooo bad . Now I'm thinking about a bigger tank but how to get 1 to the middle of nowhere? They were just tooooo cute and not too expensive either!! glad I got that off my chest, been thinking about them since I left the fish shop.
  24. I have my sword fry in with mum, dad and 2 aunties, heaps of floating plants and hiding places and keep the adults well fed. I'm sure some probably got eaten at birth but I've still got a good 20 healthy, happy fry growing up fast.
  25. Yippee, just hit the buy now button for the Pandas. She only has 4 but that's a good start!! :lol:
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