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Everything posted by fattythecatty

  1. A fishroom!!! Well, I'd like some more Killies so I guess more tanks are inevitable :lol:
  2. Oh they are nice, how big do they get?
  3. :roll: OK, now I am really confused. When I search under the scientific name I keep getting mosquito fish hence my thought that they were noxious so now I'm not even sure what they look like!!!! Can anyone point me in the right direction here? Sorry for my tendancy towards stupidity :oops:
  4. Thanks guys. the tank is quite heavily planted and being smaller he can always get away from the bigger guy. Really I'm more worried about his fishy state of mind as the constant harrassment must be stressful for him. I could easily move him to the community tank and buy him a couple of ladies more his size. Fishy shopping for me and a happier life for boy sword. Problem solved do you think?
  5. Found them, thanks all. Was thinking of getting some to go with my WCMMs but all reports seem to class them as noxious pests........that makes me a little nervous!!
  6. 4 tanks currently, 3 tropical and 1 coldwater. moving over to Chch next month so no more fish till then. Except that sword that would seem to be pregnant. Poor girls, the male thinks of nothing but sex and food, more of the former than the latter I think!! :lol:
  7. I have 2 male swords, 1 large and 1 smaller, younger 1 and 4 females. Now as you can imagine the big guy hassles the little guy. He doesn't seem to nip him but certainly gives him a hard time, chasing him a lot. My question is should I seperate them and give the little guy his own little harem or will they settle down in time? Cheers all!
  8. :roll: It could be more than a hobby, maybe an obsession. Had a count up earlier in the week, 56 fish at present!!!
  9. Ok, call me stupid but I can'tseem to find any info on Leopard fish. All my searchs come up with is Leopard danio, are these 2 one and the same?
  10. First the killie baby and now baby swords. These are my first babies ever and man, I'm over the moon. Happy fish =babies!!! And boy, are they all so cute!!
  11. Mine eat shelled peas, they seem to love them in fact all my fish eat them, they don't last long in the tank!!
  12. Well, the wee guy is still alive and man, he can move quick when the big guys are around. What about feeding him or do you think he's finding enough food on his own? I'm guessing he's about 3/4 cm long and I think he's the only one. What an unexpected Xmas surprise!
  13. :bounce: I'm having a look in my killie tank last night and what do I see? A little tiny wriggling fish. A teeny, tiny version of mum and dad. I'm not really expecting this guy to survive the hungry mouths of the big guys and I'm in no way set up to breed but it makes me feel good to know that the big guys are so happy in their environment that they're making whoopee!!! Just thought I'd share that............as you were!
  14. Best plants for cold water tank please?
  15. :roll:, yep the wee buggars have grown heaps already. Planning on getting them into a pond eventually but that's still in the planning stages so had this old tank in the garage and thought it would do for a start. It has an old cannister filter with it but I've no idea how to use it!
  16. I'm setting up a 60/30/30cm coldwater tank for my 2 goldies and 10 WCMM, they've out grown the smaller tank. What type of filter would be the best for this kind of set up being that goldies are just messy fish? Thanks in advance!
  17. I'm keen to join. Although I'm not breeding as yet, I have 5 killies that I just love and would be keen to join the club. Who do I contact?
  18. Seymour, my Siamese fighter has built his first bubble nest. Does he get to meet his lady friend now? She's living in the community tank. Is it time for introductions?
  19. I'm in Alex tomorrow, anyone know of any fish supplies shops? Thanks.
  20. Look straight across the island from Christchurch and you'll find Hokitika on the map, about a 2 and a half hour drive
  21. I'm now living in Haast and would like to join a fish club. I'm guessing there's none near to me so which would be the closeest? Any ideas?
  22. In a few weeks we're moving about 3 hours down the road to the middle of nowhere. How can I move my fish with minimal loss? Any advise appreciated.
  23. Ok, I'm a novice at these things! I have 2 Pearl Gouramis, that parts easy!! One's tummy has turned a sort of orange, he's(?????) disappeared into the floating log thing that we have and(now I may be wrong) and he seems to be blowing bubbles. Does this mean they're doing the wild thing? And if so, what do I do now? I do have a spare tank available but it's only small, 40cm/25/20. Help please!!
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