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Everything posted by fishboi

  1. WOW stunning job on the stand, love the colour, keep us up dated
  2. fishboi

    Wood or not?

    they differently need wood in their diet to help digest if they are getting protein in their diet. besides drift wood looks great in a tank
  3. how many litres is this pond going to be holding?? looks great by the way.
  4. thanks for that blue&kim thats are real shame
  5. stunning job cat what ever happened to the second spawn of the 36 little ones back in September?
  6. yep bruce is absolutly right unfortunately there is nothing that treats dropsy 100% the only success i have with treating dropsy is tonic salt [different from rock salt] 1 teaspoon per 50L and feed frozen peas. but if its at the stage where the scales have lifted its usually too late
  7. fishboi

    Goldfish help!

    could be a few thing, the ph is too low making them act "hyper", ich if so u should see little white dots on them as for the one bobbing around is just swim bladder problem due to bad water quality or a bad diet to cause too much air in one of its swim bladder noting u can do but just feed better quality food and it should sort it self out. hope that helps and they get better
  8. they are very common in auckland and cheaper then ur normal red spot ones cuz ppl dont tend to like them as much. i personally think they look great
  9. i am up in auckland which i am pretty sure its showing under my user name, is it not? yep the UV-C keeps the pond water clear as a whistle :lol: :lol: but still have algae on the sides and subtract of cause. as for disease it kills all free swimming parasites such as white spot and fluke so never had a problem except for dropsy and swim bladder problems. it could be better in the sense when the summer comes around the water tends to get a little murky with the green soup effect.
  10. hello i am no expert but looks to me like a non-infectious disease called lesion caused by saprolegnia which commonly known as a fungus disease. it happens more common to goldfish. what happens is the fungus attack from under the gill and spreads and causes necrosis [cell death] which is what i think has happened to ur paradice fish to cause the dieing and contracting of the scales as for the fins i guess its just because he is so weak and has caught fin rot. i have a book here on fish diseases by DR. Mark Dulin and it says u can treat it by sworbing the lesion with malachite green solution [1] but at this stage i would think its too late.
  11. hello everyone i am reasonbly new to this site and everyone has been really helpful so start first by saying THANKS!! now to the subject just wondering whats the rule when it comes to UV-C light wattage per litre and what ups and downs have ppl found with their own set up. i was running a 9watt built in the filter on my 8000 litre pond and it was doin ok but not great and recently the light chamber had cracked!! killing 4 large oranda instantly before the safety power switch kick in to action . no idea how but was told i they couldn't find the replacement part so i am now looking at getting a separate UV-C system. i've heard 2 watt per 1000 litre but that means i would need a 16watt and they retail for over $350 and then change of bulb every 6 month which i know for a 9 watt cost $80. there must be a cheaper way.
  12. hi again yeah i just use the ones from the ones u can buy from the garden centre and make any cuts i want with a fine tooth hacksaw then sand down any sharp corners. soak it in water over nite with 2 drops per litre of masterpet sterilizer which i do with anything before i put in to the tank.
  13. absolutely stunning any dos and dont from ur experience for someone like me who one day hopes to attack a beast assignment like this. whats the carpeting plant? pygmy chain sword?
  14. with NZ couriers i found if u buy the prepaid tickets so the couriers comes and picks up the parcel at ur door then that's not a problem but if u go to the post office they will tell u that they don't deliver living animals or any parcel with water in it. one of the best courier service I've found is Post Haste but u will need to open an account with them and its not worth the trouble if ur just sending couple of fish every now and then as its not cheap. hope that helps
  15. really wicked site, thanks for sharing that evil. went over sea during the x mas holidays and during that time i found a shop dedicated to arrows and fresh water stings. they don't only swim around he bottom but all over more like a pleco and u can even train it to eat out of ur hand!! there were even mini ones that only grow to around 15cm diameter which would be great in any tank. too bad we don't get them over here [NZ] or do we?? somebody prove me wrong please......
  16. hay Rebecca whats the longest time u've keep one for ? any success in breeding them?
  17. hello there is only one type of wild fresh water shrimp in NZ and everything u want to know is on this web site http://www.nzfreshwater.org/shrimp.html it says they are real sensitive but from everyone i ever talked to that has keeped it says they are real hardy.... but i have real trouble keeping them alive :oops:
  18. hello everyone i am new to this site and still trying to figure out how everything works. good on ya ant it always amazes me when wild caught fish breed in captivity. that's when u know u done a good job at setting ur tank up. it sound like ur goin to be busy with all the new critters, what sort of rams are u breeding?
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