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Everything posted by Afrikan

  1. Just curious... where did you get your dead lizards from? Were they already dead or did you knock them off? :-?
  2. Great stuff Jasmine, great to have another African keeper on board
  3. That was from a reference... We used to keep Severums and I would always go by finnage length and that was accurate enough 8)
  4. Afrikan

    BN Water Temp

    Answer to this one would be put some Pleco Chips in your tank at night, when lights out.. Bristlenoses happily feed at night when your Gourami will be resting.. I always add Pleco Chips etc at night for my Bristles..
  5. Could be 2 males will do it, as well as tail slapping... stating dominance.. And a male and female will also circle... could be a good sign
  6. Possibly some Freshwater Dwarf Puffers will pop back up on the suppliers list again... I used to keep them, had the Indian Dwarf. Good Luck with your search
  7. Thanks all Ummm "he" is a she :lol: Will keep you posted on them ludikras if any available down the track Good one Alex... glad you saved the little ones... my guys here almost look like they are at the size where mum and dad wouldn't easily consume, they aren't small at all really And mum and dad are protecting their territory fiercely. Seem like a really good pair.
  8. :lol: I shall Alan, (only I don't have Horlicks... hmm now you have got me thinking about adding to my grocery list for tomorrows shop) :lol: Finding the young ones has actually given me a bit of a buzz tonight.. crazy huh As long as I only get clucky over fish babies then that's ok 8) :lol:
  9. I just went to feed out tonight..... I have a few Lionhead cichlids in the Malawi Tank, love watching their action amongst the rock work etc.. and they love it in there... Love it enough to start a family it seems.... I have a large group of young Lionheads... and the thing is.. they are at a real decent size to! I noticed I hadn't seen the same number for a wee while... especially the dominant male... now I know why... And I sat watching them tonight... and the female would come out of the rocks and take food back into her chosen spot and spit the food out obviously for the young Lionheads... awesome to watch!
  10. Afrikan


    Welcome to the forums mr pleco My husband would say you have excellent taste being a catfish connoisseur :lol:
  11. I have Neolamp brichardis in with my Frons, however they are coming out... as I am thinning out my adult pairs... not that they have really cut up nasty in regards to damaging other fish etc but I think the Frons could do without their hassle really to be honest. Brichardis are very good with their own, in the wild they live in massive colonies and when a pair decide to split off they will find an area to breed in and defend the area and babies fiercely... then once babies are old enough etc they all move back to the big colony... They make wonderful parents, and are great to each other, however, I am taking my Brichardi out exactly for the same reasons that cichfanatic said. I think keeping only one in the tank would be fine or possibly 2 of the same sex, however, having 2 or more of the opposite sexes would be asking for trouble.
  12. Skunk Loaches can be a problem with aggression.. if you search the web, many websites will tell you the same thing.. I have seen skunk loaches in action, major fin nipping and have seen what 2 had done to a ladies tank full of fish over a few nights.. It would be a case of finding a "well behaved one" to suit.
  13. Gee you keep an interesting tank farmchick.. full of surprises and fish dramas :lol: I am looking forward to the next chapter.. :lol: :lol: Glad the little fellow is fine and dandy.. he could probably do with a good feed of spuds :lol:
  14. Sounds like a good snail catching tip Milet If you don't want to buy a loach that eventually grows too big... try Angelicus, Zebra or Pakistani loaches.. Even Dwarf Chain loaches scoff snails And they stay a nice small size.
  15. Yeah there is a big difference aye Frenchy... colour, type etc I also note that A. Prophecy's male is alot deeper in the body.. where as the Johanni are very much bullet shape... almost border on slender.
  16. Here are pics of a male Johanni of mine... And here is one of my females holding... she goes overboard with breeding to the point she often needs to be put on her own to fatten up :roll: Usually when the females are in breeding colouration they will form the horizontal line through the body Sorry about the quality of pics... the male Johanni is a bugger to photograph, he's never still enough to get a good pic of...
  17. AD Konnings Book on Malawis is a great reference.. There has been rather a few name changes to different African species... the cichlid forum should be pretty much updated with most species. The fish above is definately not Melanochromis johannii Importers and retailers don't have any idea what the fish look like before arrival, they are only sent what they are sent. A few times fish arrived at hubbys work and it has been a case of "that's definately not such and such" so really if a retailer knows it's definately not what they had ordered and weren't sent, then they shouldn't sell it as the species that they ordered and were expecting to get when it is clearly not that
  18. Not unless two boys can breed? :lol:
  19. Ahh then maybe they don't have their RO water on offer? I just know that they had said they run "their" water through an RO.. They had said that the Palmy water was great for Africans :lol: :lol: :lol: Rozski.. seeking non gay Gourami who can give the goods.. :lol:
  20. They had said to me that they run all their water through an RO... and I was told they charged for it.. I reckon the honesty thing is a good idea. It is actually good of them to do that.
  21. Heya Rozski Just curious, how much does Palmy LFS charge for their water.....?? I guess people down there who would keep a fair few tanks would be better off buying their own RO unit :lol:
  22. Good going rcon they are beautiful...
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