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Everything posted by Afrikan

  1. Ohhhh darn :-? Give them a go raising them again next time and if it continues to happen, then give them a go yourself, I have happily raised Apisto young from egg stage and had great success in doing so Better luck next time and keep us posted
  2. There used to be 2 very big Dats at hubbys work... one was a monster around 40cm plus mark... we actually ended up transporting him ourselves to Wellington for someone that purchased him He used to sit up at the top of the tank and eye any suspected victim that swam by, amazing predator to watch.. his mouth was like a vaccum. They are a very nice fish and I know the shop enjoyed having them stay. The male/female pair are now with a guy in Palmy, so both of the dats ended up back together They were definately midwater to top dwelling fish (the top dwelling when they wanted a birds eye view of lunch) :lol: Also bottom dwelling to an extent at a younger age when you have a cave etc, have noticed they can have shy moments and seem to get alot bolder with age. IMO 8)
  3. Afrikan

    oh dam it:(

    In the past we had have had the odd whitespot incident... We bump the temp up to around 28 degrees, extra airation... and a bit of tonic salt. Higher temp speeds up the whitespot cycle. I am also one to prefer natural treatment/method first before meds. Good Luck and hope you nip it real soon 8)
  4. Yep that would be right flatfish, it is the large spotted that are on the lists at the moment, it can also be substrate that lightens the spots. I have seen some of the same lot on dark substrate and stunning Would be awesome if there were ones available also like the ones Milet is enquiring about
  5. Not sure but lately there have been Spotted Metynnis on the lists and they are just gorgeous. http://www.brooklands.co.nz/tropical/metynnis.htm Pic doesn't do them justice
  6. Afrikan


    :lol: It is the opposite for me here... Jacobs looking stunning and Baenschi just starting to come through colour wise, looking good 8)
  7. I have a reasonable size tyre track eel and he doesn't uproot any plants that I have in his tank... is this just a fire eel thing or?
  8. Afrikan


    Dan - Wouldn't it be wise to just label the fish what they came in as, which is A. jacobfreibergi (no variant)?
  9. Afrikan


    Oh so she got a bit of action before her trip, good on her 8) :lol:
  10. Afrikan


    Hi Alex Yeah, they all seem to be doing their thing lately :lol: This lot that recently came in, came in with no listed variant, just straight Jacobfreibergi. My dominant male is colouring nicely. Certainly at this stage looks different to the ones that I saw in pic of OOA's. Dan - What do you mean you hope she was in with Baenschi males, was she carrying when she was sent through with your order?
  11. Whiteworms don't like warm temperatures so pays to keep them in a cool spot. Hope they do well for you
  12. We run a UV like penguinleo's on one of my tanks, a pondmaster one and it we run it inline off the canister filters output.. I think it is well worth what we spent.
  13. Don't you have to be careful keeping freshwater rays? Careful when putting your hands in the tank etc due to copping a hefty sting? Think I remember reading something.
  14. Hey that is an awesome DIY catcher, thanks for sharing Frenchy Looks like those ozzie blokes have some good ideas after all :lol:
  15. Try them in the fridge, my whiteworms have done wonders over the summer period in the fridge, when it comes winter time I will be taking them out. But over the summer period being kept in the fridge they have multiplied like crazy and are big and fat.
  16. I have done that before smidey but not in with the big boys.. I have had older juvs growing on in a tank and had a new batch of fry spat, however growing on juvs were too big to mingle with newbies, so have put them in a breeding trap that has had very fine mesh and put in grow out tank... however with adults of any kind, you might find they will harass the young fry through the trap mesh or grill and cause them damage.
  17. Afrikan


    You want to see some of my "Blurs"? I have only ever really fluked the odd good pic :lol: I have a Panasonic 4.0 digital camera and it's not the best, however neither is the photographer (me) :lol: I actually almost had a tantrum with trying to photograph my JD's the other day.. something is up with the zoom, as soon as I zoom in the whole pic focus goes blurry and when picture is taken it's a blur. Hubby and I are looking at camera shopping, we were actually discussing it today... might have to purchase something like Billaneys
  18. Afrikan


    Yes my large pair of Jack Dempseys who seem to talk about it, but I think the male has performance issues :lol:
  19. Afrikan


    Recently got some Jacobfreibergi Peacocks... and fed out today only to see one not going for food... Hells teeth... one not well? So after having a close look.. nope... I have a female holding! Can't wait to raise these little nippers... they are a beautiful peacock to, glad I made some space for another species. Who else got some of these recently?
  20. Afrikan


    In reply to your question re Lionheads davidb It's Blue who has his in a river tank..?? I have mine in my Malawi display of which they are thriving and breeding in.. I don't have room for a rivertank at this stage, too much going on with other species tanks :lol: Who else keeps the Lionheads?
  21. Awesome Paul Keep us posted
  22. Awesome pics Billaney 8) Time to get rid of my Panasonic 4.0 it seems :lol: It's terrible for fish pics, have only ever fluked a couple.. or maybe it's just the photographer that's the problem? :lol:
  23. Congrats :bounce: I would leave the parents to it.. and if they get too nasty then possibly remove your Neons if you get too concerned. Their fins and tail if nipped a bit, will grow back If you choose that you want to remove the fry later on, then I usually use a big syringe and carefully suck fry up and remove to nursery tank. Or a piece of air tube. I hope the parents do a great job for you and once again congrats
  24. We have cf1200 and it works brilliantly, never had a problem with it.
  25. Afrikan

    Cuckoo Catfish

    Are they the real deal Duncan7? Or are they another shipment of Nyassa Synos etc that were wrongly labelled "Cuckoos"?
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