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Everything posted by Afrikan

  1. Heya CatBrat Thanks for your reply They look very similar to the first link, however, mine are very dark with silver speckles along their sides... I will try and get a really good pic. I have two of them and their mouths are huge, they are absolutely gorgeous, real robust and they look like Jack O' Latern :lol:
  2. I saw one a young sprogs tail! Very cute 8)
  3. Awesome pics Caryl, definately looks like you guys had a blast! 8)
  4. I will try and get a photo of my guys, yet can't promise a good one :lol:
  5. I have one who is a fair size.. compared to our other Synos he is more of the trouble maker... we have kept rather a few synos and still keep a few to this day.. vermicuated included.. he is definately more stroppy than my other species of synos.. and wouldn't trust him with small fish either.. ie small tetras, these synos get very big apparently... and I was also given another vermiculated a while back for the very reason that he liked small fish too much :lol: They are a beautiful syno tho and well worth keeping
  6. Did anyone purchase any of these pumpkin headed critters from Phil Collis when he brought in his Peru Imports? Just wondering if anyone else keeps them out there? And if there is a Sci name to go with them??
  7. Hi jim It isn't a fluval, it's a spare Jebo we had sitting around ages ago that we decided to throw on the tank to cycle and left it running on the tank along with an Eheim down the other end. I would have been more upset if it had of been any of my other externals tho, I am lucky it wasn't. Did you have a surge in Taupo to have caused your Fluval to pack up? :lol: :lol: Warren you are bang on with what you said.. the filter when running was very warm and when I opened the cabinet it was warmer in there than usual and there was a almost faint smell of "burning"... just slight.
  8. Hiya jayci We did an impellor swap as we had a spare impellor from same make/model filter and had the same problem, but that was a good suggestion to pass on tho incase I hadn't ventured there Thanks
  9. In our old place I had our wall oven and washing machine die because of darn power surge, luckily I had it covered on my insurance, otherwise I would have been couting my pennys :lol: Oh well thankfully it was only one external
  10. No snookie it hasn't... I wish it was something like tho! :lol: It has been thoroughly looked at it and impellor cleaned and reset in.. and she's not happy when turned on, it's almost like she's struggling to keep going.. and flow rate more or less zilch... happened after the power cut/surge... maybe the motor was fried? Not sure? :-?
  11. Screwed one of my external filters :evil: We had a power cut last night and I noticed since the power cut one of my external filters running on our discus tank was making one hell of a nasty noise... We have checked everything... impellor is fine, everything is fine, so what he heck is going on.. goodness only knows :-? :roll: Just can't seem to get it running as strong as it was and without noise... The Eheim Pro II running on the tank also wasn't effected thank god. Question: Can power surges damage external filters? On a happier note... My new discus arrived today to from Origin Aquatics! Beaaauuutiifulll But they had a noisey filter to arrive to... We have now packed a spare fluval with all the bio media from the damaged external and have got that up and running, phew!
  12. I use Daltons propagating sand, I like it because it doesn't fly everywhere like real light fine sand does. When bought we just gave the sand a thorough rinse in buckets and ran hose in till water ran clear. And even tho it is sand it seems really good to give a gravel vac, once again alot is rather heavy and doesn't fly up the grav vac like very fine sand does. Are you wanting to use sand for any particular reason?
  13. How big is your tank?
  14. You will have to go through your LFS (Local Fish Store) to purchase the parts
  15. Not a worry, I kept a few different Synos and still keep a few even now, and definately wouldn't trust some with small fish ie small tetras etc Also rather a few species are night predators and scavengers so they can take small fish by surprise while lights out.
  16. Alot of large species Synodontis will eat small fish, if it's small enough to fit in their mouths then why not :lol:
  17. Heya gazza A new task huh Hubby and I will come through to watch einstein at work... next time we come through I shall expect your fish room to have the red carpet decked out and those craggy old cichlids of yours better have done their deed again, you know the ones :lol:
  18. Thanks for the link CatBrat, haven't seen any like that, however... I haven't been "looking" either.. so will keep my eyes peeled for you down this way
  19. They are really nice! 8)
  20. Afrikan

    The Move

    So sorry about your loss SW
  21. Funny you should mention the tubifex actually.. my fish can't stand tubifex.. they just spit them out. My fish love frozen Brine shrimp, Mysis Shrimp (yet they could be too big for your fishes mouths to manage), and a product called Nippy Nip of which they go mad on distributed by Brooklands. I also give my fish a frozen mix that has Krill, vegetable matter, fish etc
  22. Might pay to give your shop a ring and ask if they have one and if not they possibly could get one overnight for you from suppliers so it is there by the weekend, thats what happens at where my hubby works, he gets things in overnight if they are really needed.
  23. Thanks guys.. And thanks for that Brad, there is actually a fair bit of water flow, I am not really one for a still planted tank. If it means losing CO2 then no biggy :lol: We recently got some T5 lighting and it's amazing how well the plants have responded.. made the mistake of looking at the bulbs when switched on to test them, man it's pretty strong lighting :lol: The fancy plecs I have are all compatible with the plants.. prior to shifting into the tank they were in another 5ft tank with plants, they seem to feed more on the meaty products and of course chomp their wood.. Didn't touch the plants at all, including Cabomba :lol: I have Iquitos, Flash Plecs, Clown Pleco and a Royal Whip in there Thanks for the tip on the Sterbai to 8)
  24. Rather a few people scrape the Cory eggs off the glass and raise them in a bare bottom tank. It is much easier for them to be raised that way rather than in a set up tank with stones etc.. JMO
  25. Hiya You can purchase new hosing and new taps for the Jebo filter, go to your LFS who deals with Petware (supplier) Shouldn't be too expensive. BTW is it the hosing or the taps that have broken? Either way both are replaceable Good Luck!
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