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Everything posted by Afrikan

  1. Don't know about Clownies but my Synos are beautiful and fat on Mysis shrimp and frozen cichlid mix Your clownies would chow down on those..
  2. Surely they latched on to a floater? :lol:
  3. I use Bicarb, Epsom Salts recipe mix in African tanks that a certain person here gave me Gee saves on money for buffers put on the market.. Also use aragonite substrate.
  4. I have one Bruno in the 8ft, he does extremely well.
  5. I feed my Africans three times a day :lol: And the young even more so.. of course in sparingly amounts, I don't go overboard each feed time.. they all get a chance of having a good feed per day. I have never had a serious algae issue in my African display tanks. In our Fron tank we had one duboisi who managed any algae that appeared on the tanks, however she had to go as she was causing havoc with maternal desires :lol: We have a Bruno (Rusty) Plec in the Fron tank who tolerates higher ph very well. He looks stunning in there. I am also one for biotype tanks, however, I don't fancy cleaning an 8ft tanks glass sides constantly :lol:
  6. Your Synos won't eat algae, they are mainly insectivores which means they feed on insects. Never have any of our synos ever looked at eating algae. Mbuna will pick away at brown algae on rocks etc.. Duboisi is a good algae consumer.. they pick away at rocks and substrate all day. What sort of fish do you keep in your tank? and what is your feeding like? Do you feed heavily?
  7. Multis wouldn't be what I would call common at all, good to hear you got your hands on some of the true species that came in Njassae are around and about, but definately not what I would class as a commonly found syno either... They seem to have come in off and on
  8. I paid $120 for my njassae (for one) (they did happen to be labelled as a cuckoo from suppliers at that stage but definately weren't cuckoo) I paid that because we absolutely loved the fish... and they are very friendly and don't hide much at all. The true Multi (cuckoos) were fetching up around $180 or so retail.. very nice fish also 8) A fish is only worth as much as someone is willing to pay for it But if you were to sell them I certainly wouldn't let them go dirt cheap.. as there would be very keen interest out there for either of the species
  9. Caught a discus pair yesterday cleaning a log in the tank.. and 20 or so minutes later they started the spawning process.. Here is a clip I got on the digital camera (not the best) but still caught them in the act
  10. We have had 2 of these pack up lately... I won't be buying another one... Aqua Ones and Fluvals and the Eheim still running strong.. Personally I think if you have a little more money to spare then purchase one of the other three.. JMO 8)
  11. Yikes Paul.. please tell me that was a wide lense on the camera you used! :lol: How many pounds does a camera add? :lol: It seems I need to trim down a bit after seeing those pics! :lol: I blame it on Easter when Creme Eggs were in the stores
  12. Welcome to the forums Lewis
  13. Glad you guys had a great time.. fishy_t will PM you re text ya sent today..
  14. So rapt that people and fish made it home safe and sound Was an awesome weekend and haven't laughed and grinned so much in one weekend for a while... :lol: The highlight of the night was Billaney's jockeying Seabiscuit, sadly tho Seabiscuit obtained a few leg injuries along the way... :lol: Was awesome to meet new faces and catch up with old faces! And don't worry that nasty Security person has some coming his way :lol: 8) Roll on next years conference! I am glad you guys liked what HBAS put on for this conference, I reckon it pulled off really well too Signed: Miss Australia.. (normally known as Mrs, however, not wanting to really be associated with that nasty Security man, I swear I don't know his alter ego) :lol:
  15. Heya Tash Has she definately got eggs in her mouth or has she just scooped gravel in the hope to hold something towards motherhood, desperation? My Duboisi did the exact same thing in the Fron tank :lol: Time will tell! Maybe your Zebra is better looking and of course she may like the experienced
  16. http://fish.mongabay.com/melanotaeniinae.htm Take a look at the above link snookie, and scroll down till you hit "Dark Rainbowfish" aka Melanotaenia nigrans Is that what the species looks like at the LFS? 8)
  17. Afrikan

    My New Discus

    Here is another pic... more to come as I am able to get shots
  18. Yeah have a safe trip everyone!
  19. Afrikan


    The tank would very possibly end up a war zone with casualties :-?
  20. :lol: Welcome to the forums tHEcONCH 8)
  21. Afrikan

    My New Discus

    Thanks guys.. Heya shell The fronts are doing so well and growing! Love them to bits, they are the babies of the house.. and as I have stipulated to (who he thinks is the boss of the house) the fronts take centre stage :lol: We really enjoy them, we are yet to finish off slating their tank and adding more vallis, but just plugging away till finished. The Alpha male is so friendly, he's always the first one there at feed times, and the rest follow like sheep
  22. Afrikan

    My New Discus

    My discus arrived from Bry (Origin Aquatics) and they are just gorgeous.. They are in their new tank and there has been a bit of niggling going on for the past couple of days over hierarchy etc... and they are finally settling down.. I now have 2 that seem to have paired up and have been cleaning the glass and love dancing all morning Here is a shot of the love birds.. more pics are yet to come, however catching them at the right moment has been a mission when I am busy doing housework, they seem to happily sit and watch behind the Vallis, I could only get a decent shot of the pair as they have come out to show off.. yet even that was difficult to get to to stop swaying at one another and stay still :roll: :lol:
  23. Remind me never to come back as a cricket or locust when I snuff it
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