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Everything posted by Afrikan

  1. Not sure if they expire, I am thinking they would.. and even more so if the container was open... I would play it safe and biff them. JMO
  2. Thanks TGWH.. yet I definately haven't quit with Malawis, they are MY babies and would never part with my Africans, along with the Tanganyikan species also. They are here to stay, and always will I have kept on rather a few African species, just have cut back a bit and the big tank in our room being one of the things we have cut back on.
  3. :lol: Thanks Frenchy, definately caught the bug Hubby loves discus so I guess he got his way to keep some again, will be nice to see some in the house again me thinks
  4. Hiya Guys Thanks Will post up specs later tonight. Snookie - One end of the wood is inbedded in the sand and resting in the corner. And the other piece is running from a huge piece of imported mangrove piece and resting in corner.
  5. Isnt it 80% live and 20% vegetable and as youngsters shouldn't they be on adlib ie as much as they consume.
  6. Hubby and I have been plugging away at our project over the last few months... Here are some pics of our 760 litre tank.. photos are not the greatest and tank had been majorly stirred up prior to pics being taken. Substrate is propagating sand... run two external filters underneath along with UV sterilizer run inline to output. We have also only just got a Sera CO2 system which is being hooked up. The lighting system is T5's. I guess it was about time we kept some discus again :lol: The tank is going to house 6 or so discus (Turks bred by Bry at Origin Aquatics) along with Columbian Tetras, Rams and Bolivians, Sterbai Corys and fancy plecs. The Dumerilli Angels are having their own seperate species home, seems I have a pairing so fingers crossed!!!.. There is a heap more planting to do with the tank, pics show tank only recently planted. Will post some more pics as tank develops more..
  7. Just viewed it finally 8) Awesome clip and drooling over that male of yours
  8. Yeah that is a very good point, now my frons are getting older the alpha male enjoys pit digging.. and not just in one area, so you could end up having to cover the UGF all the time cichfanatic
  9. Arggggh darn photobucket is ultra slow with loading tonight, might be the time of the night that I am trying to view... can't wait to play it tomorrow morning! Looks like it will be an awesome vid.. thanks for sharing 8)
  10. He sounds like he was a landscaper in his past life :lol: I bet you are a bit peeved by his recent efforts tho :-?
  11. Hiya Catbrat What is the Scientific name for these guys and do you have a pic? The reason I am asking is I have seen a few whips floating around and was thinking possibly I may have come across one so want to make sure. And if so will let you know if the Apache might well be down this way.
  12. Afrikan


    Welcome to the forums Tania
  13. Could that be because your community tank has the lights on alot more often? Yeap it can grow on white coral if the conditions are "right" pain in the butt algae huh.
  14. My brown algae grew even with the light on, it was because I apparently didn't have enough intense light that it happily grew. This is what I have been told anyway and also something to do with nutrients in the water etc?? Someone correct me if I am wrong, as this has also puzzled me in the past, yet I don't have an issue with it in the African tanks, doesn't seem to show it's face. Just the planted tank in the past.
  15. I have been told that brown algae forms due to lack of light, and infact I have found that it is true, I had a small planted tank that had bugger all lighting on it till I purchased some more lights to put on the tank and prior to purchasing the lights I had brown algae hit will force, once sufficient light was put on the tank the brown algae disappeared.
  16. The fellow has found a home, so glad that he found one!
  17. Vermeculite is found at most garden stores
  18. Yikes I can feel my heart strings pulling... I know the perfect home for him but it would be a case of getting him..
  19. Even a 6ft tank after a while becomes far too small for these when they are mature.. they end up being a very big fish. There are a couple at my hubby's work in the 1500 litre plus tank... There are also a couple in the Croc tank at the Aquarium and they are very large, beautiful fish but they do need a very large tank long term.
  20. That looks awesome Frenchy 8) That white calvus male is gorgeous.. the lepto are so pretty to 8)
  21. Afrikan

    Discus pics

    Very nice, love that one with the orange red body and blue face markings.. what variant of colour is that? What a beauty
  22. They much prefer the cooler conditions.. People have kept them at around 18 degrees before and they have thrived... however you would need to acclimatize them down to 18 if you are buying them from stores that often keep them in their tanks of warmer temps. They do ALOT better in the cooler water.
  23. Yep definately what Caryl says, with what I said above it was a long term thing, definately give it a chance to grow back first.
  24. If it has been eaten right back to the stump.. as in right where the body meets the tail, more than likely it won't grow back, it may well survive tho if it heals.. if it is just tail loss as in chewed back a bit it will grow back. If it is however gone right back into the flesh (base of tail) it might be best to put him/her down. I had a friend who had one like that and it survived however once put back in with other Malawi, it comes down to survival of the fittest and it certainly got picked on so not very kind on the fish at all.
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