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Everything posted by Afrikan

  1. Always the way huh :lol:
  2. Sorry to hear that Bilbo, the whole trial and error thing can bite so hard huh... I hope the eggs go well for you and you can add to your numbers again
  3. Thanks so much for sharing djsurf, she is a real super model
  4. As said above, they can be just natural blemishes that stay there and can disappear on their own accord.... 8)
  5. I like to bump tank up to around 28... extra airation and aquarium salt... seems to nuke it well. You want to speed up the life cycle of the parasite, bumping the temp up higher will speed up the life cycle.
  6. I just hope the guy isn't allowed to be on that task again... leave culling mission till his day off :roll: Hmm we can't all be as beautiful as you Ira :roll: :lol:
  7. If you like the "tacky" look... Would be a great thing to do tho livingart, might get people thinking how trashy humans are...
  8. Oh that's tragic... Maybe he shouldn't be on the end of a gun... or if so he should join some of Bush's "friendly fire" troops...
  9. Yeap they are a Bulu Point.
  10. As ryan says.. the more the merrier and a good sized tank is a must. Pretty sure the female that Tiden got off me produced with a male of his tho, not sure how big the group of them was together? There is a guy down here who has T. moorii "Cherry Spots"... keen to get some at somet stage down the track but gee it's one of those get what you want to get done first things :lol:
  11. Thanks ryan Yeah well had the odd ding from an Oscar before and hells teeth :lol: Certainly left a scuff, and this was over food, so can imagine the buggers around their piece of slate :lol: :lol: :lol: Definately pics tonight... still undecided whether to leave them with parents or not, showing a good sign of parenting so far... hate to disturb them if infact they want to make a good go of raising them.. will suss tonight 8)
  12. Neat pics Bet you are loving watching those frons grow 8)
  13. We have just come back from rock pooling today, got a gorgeous garden crab and a hermit crab for our cold water marine tank, or starting tank, venturing into a big cold water marine later this year :roll: but anyway, while rock pooling.... what do we see... but coke bottles underwater in the rock pools, labels half coming off.... plastic lids to take away coffee cups, bottle caps, plastic lids, glass.... Had a flash back to this thread.... :evil: :evil:
  14. Sorry I was meant to reply earlier to your new pic, doesn't look like white spot to me either, looks like the blemish type spots I have seen before on finnage, pectoral fins, dorsals and tail finnage can have these.... they can disappear also... Are these spots spreading over the finnage, and are these spots spreading to the body area... Sorry but it just doesn't look like white spot to me 8)
  15. Very nice waterfaller... love the plant at the front to the side of the white sand... the one that looks like a yucca tip stuck in the gravel :lol: What is that?
  16. Yeah I will always have a soft spot for the grumpy greedy buggers... :lol: Mum is still guarding the slate, and if we do decide to take the eggs, (not sure at this stage)... then I am going with ryans suggestion of using divers gloves.... :lol: :lol: Being smacked by an Oscar isn't excrutiating but it is an ouch... :lol: Will have some pics tonight
  17. Rock salt I used to have good supply of for my horses... don't have a scrap of it now :lol: :roll: Aquarium salt is about $5 a bag... I just go with one of those... don't use it overly that often, well haven't had to anyway :lol: Yet... oh actually yes I did recently, for a few smaller Oscars... I lie... :lol:
  18. Obviously.... :lol: They have their own breeding tank... nothing would last 5 mins with these 2 when they are on a mind set with wanting to breed. We triggered them with temp drop.. after a bit of tweaking
  19. Just went out to the fish shed to find that our pair of Red Tigers have bred :bounce: :bounce: Ok I might be showing a little too much excitement, but I am really looking forward to raising these youngsters, well going to give the parents a good go first.. :roll: :lol: Will post some pics later, mum is busy tending to her eggs... just hope they both behave with the batch
  20. Pan fried peacock, let me know what you think... :lol:
  21. Aquarium salt definately don't use table salt TTK
  22. Oh and on another note... I do notice that Tanganyikans appreciate it more so than Malawi species yet, they are more sensitive or have been in my opinion and do a hell of alot better buffered. JMF. What species of fish are you looking at keeping marto? 8)
  23. It comes down to personal preference in my opinion, I have found my fish do alot better since buffering our tap water... colour wise, alot more active. I would like to think I at least try and provide their requirements Not all of our tanks have been buffered in the past, some in the shed still aren't and I can definately see a difference.
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