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Everything posted by Afrikan

  1. I will get back to you on that quack, once hubby gets back from work at 3
  2. We had to alter our fittings up the top as we have 100mm bracing and they weren't wide enough for that.. so probably no use us sending you a pic of our ones.... :lol: :lol:
  3. For planted tank I have Flash Plecos (of which are not plant munchers) I usually by pass the idea of Bristles, been there done that, and my Cobomba never looked the same again, amongst other things :lol: We have 8 Oto Cats, we have these in our planted tank and what awesome little worker bees they are Just have to make sure you have good water quailty for them Often a little cat that gets overlooked, and the thing is, they don't munch your plants
  4. You mean the piping in the tank or the connectors?
  5. So you like the good old kiwi pie aye :lol: There are or were huge Clown Loaches at the Napier Aquarium... when I last looked.. They get rather big, and not only length wise, they get big all round. You would need a huge tank for 6 BIG clown loaches, I'm looking at my 8fter now, and with the ones I saw at the Aquarium, there is no way I would feel comfy ever housing 6 that size in our 8ft size tank...
  6. We have a 8ft tank in our lounge, on a big steel frame.. going to be clad with heart Rimu tongue and groove... We have 8 steel uprights, 8 points... wanted the tank to be distributed as much as possible. It's better to overbuild than under build, tho the con to that is, more weight for the floor to handle huh :lol: For BIG tanks, we definately prefer the ideal of steel structure than wood if manageable price wise...
  7. Yeah I am pretty sure that's how it goes to.. I had SAE's and when they got older, they got lazy, early retirement it seemed... :lol:
  8. That toe pointing dance the Irish people seem to manage
  9. All this pie talk... :lol: :lol: It brings me back to that Tui (beer) Bill board, "Look at the girl eating the pie".. YEAH RIGHT... :lol: :lol:
  10. Didn't mean to make you nervous... Sorry if we did :lol: Just better to be safer than sorry is all Just make sure you do the "Riverdance" test
  11. Awesome! Hope you see some real "catches" when your away
  12. Wow what a pain in the backside that is, people could miss out on real amazing things because of the lengthy time between orders huh! Can understand you wanting to bring stuff back, if you see something that catches your eye
  13. Phew! Bet you had beads of sweat on that brow! :lol: So glad things turned out ok , gee, and thanks for the nudge, we take things for granted so much huh when we are so used to routine and things have always gone ok.. I am sure theres a "wake up call" fairy who does her rounds.. :lol:
  14. Yeah once tank, substrate, water, rocks etc are added (if you are going rocks) I am pretty sure to that it will exceed the 500 kg mark...
  15. LOL :lol: :lol: And whoevers going for the Fries, don't forget the Chicken Salt and Garlic Butter
  16. As Earthquake proof as possible is perfect Have you got any pics of your stand Aquarium Dude? Would love to see your tank progress when it's time to fill it up! 8)
  17. Keep in thought, you have the tubing and connectors coming off the top of the filter so that make it higher, need leave a good amount of clearance above the filter. A friend of ours got a 2400 and took it home only to find it didn't have good clearance under his tank stand so he had to go back and get a 2200.
  18. Well if you are happy with it, then that's cool but as extra precautions it would be best to strength the stand as much as you possibly can.. How did you join your MDF?
  19. Hubby is a cabinet maker by trade.. he said that he would have made an internal framing out of 4 x 2 and would have clad with MDF.. That is a pretty big tank, you have to take into count, tank weight, stones, water etc...It is an overall strength issue and that is a bit of a worry that there is a slight bow with 60kg.. That's just how he would have done it. Ideally you want the tank sitting dead flat, poly underneath is a good thing. Are you going to seal the MDF? The problem MDF has is if getting wet and swelling which in turn will weaken your joins etc..
  20. Roughly 500.. so would allow 600 to fit one under tank, due to the connectors... This is a rough guide as we keep the 2400 filters.
  21. Oh wow what a beautiful old fat Clowny!!! Looks like a striped sausage! :lol: :lol:
  22. Nope a fishing Rod... Actually we wait till the the bristles are in their pieces of driftwood, and lift them out of the tank... our ones stay put and we transfer them that way, works, well for us anyway, unless of course ours are just slow off the mark or so well behaved :lol:
  23. Oh ya think so davidb, you are probably right :lol: LOL @ Caryl :lol:
  24. Do you have no framing at all? Is it all MDF?
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