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Everything posted by Zev

  1. lol, I can just imagine the poor males - left, or right.... which one did I use last time?
  2. Zev

    108L Rimless

    Nah, he would never harm a cat!
  3. Zev

    108L Rimless

    That diffuser is one ugly piece of kit..... *runs and hides in small defensible cave holding ginger cat in entrance way as a deterrent*
  4. Dare I ask what the bumps are for each gender?
  5. Arrrggghhhh... you could have warned us that it is a reptile butt shot
  6. Zev

    108L Rimless

    He is heading back on Sunday 11 April. Lampeyes look after themselves, either lay in moss or dangly roots of floating fern, the eggs are quite big for the size of the fish. I would offer to give Wok some shrimp as well, but chances are they may get eaten before you see them?
  7. Our common old garden chilis were a bit disappointing this year - blame it on the weather as well - only one plant survived. How big do Jolokias get before they start changing colour? You just couldn't wait, could you? 8)
  8. Zev

    108L Rimless

    I wouldn't put riccia in there, it will become a nuisance :evil: I don't mind giving you the lampeyes as long as you let them breed - which they will if you have some plants that go to the surface and chuck a bit of Novotom in if you see littlies. I have an abundance of clown males, so you are welcome to some of them as well.
  9. Zev

    108L Rimless

    I can give you both if you are going to be that upset! If there is not enough plant cover the clowns may chase eachother around a lot - how fast is your hygro growing
  10. Zev

    108L Rimless

    I can only give you male clowns, they are pretty antisocial though, not like the lampeyes.
  11. Yup, done both! The stack is down to seven now.
  12. Zev

    108L Rimless

    It's a lampeye killifish... Poropanchax normani Do you want some more? They school very nicely and can cope with heaps of Flourish excel and C02 - I can give you some after the Killie show if Wok will take them up there for you.
  13. Pm'd You can use an image resizing program, I use Photoshop, there are others such as The Gimp, which is, or used to be free for Windows, there are others, but I am not familiar with them.
  14. Best you write an article for Caryl, then, including the disaster with the fish...
  15. Zev


    Hi Rod Details on posting pics here: viewtopic.php?t=2406 Photobucket allows you to resize when you upload your images. If you get stuck, email them to me and I will post them to you, just click the email button at the bottom of my post.
  16. So have you got rid of the nasty algae - can I send some plants over yet?
  17. Zev


    Ooohhh careful, don't go dissing Hayao Miyazaki, or my daughter will have words with you, and she is probably to be more feared in the pointy stick stakes than me!
  18. I could never get a good pic of my Harlequins - dainos were just as bad!
  19. Zev


    It's ok, P44 - he is speaking a different language, I will ask my kids, one of them is into this stuff... :roll:
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