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Everything posted by Zev

  1. The cat doesn't look impressed, either!
  2. Waikato are well on your way for the breeding trophy - some of the other clubs had better start registering some breedings or it will be a clean sweep!
  3. lol, I asked Miss Eight what the time was in town yesterday, she stopped walking and stared at her watch for ages (I could see her counting up in fives) and then pronounced it was two fifty seven, - Madam 15 said belligerently 'why did you not just count the other way and say it was three minutes to three, or nearly three o'clock!'
  4. We know Ira is busted beyond redemption And there is nothing wrong with silverbeet and brussel sprouts if they are cooked correctly.
  5. Hmmmm.... haven't seen that one before. Is it only on the wood or everywhere else?
  6. Shhh.... Hans, what they don't know won't hurt them! Scroll down, there is something weird about the dates and it may be on the next page.
  7. There is Corydoras sp. (Cw009) sometimes called a green cory, and C aeneus also called green cory or more commonly bronze cory - ah the perils of common names!
  8. There is some info here about how to tell what the fluro tubes are: viewtopic.php?f=3&t=32844
  9. Looks nice and plump - must be eating too many snails
  10. Awww... Look at the little fish vol au vents! http://www.derlenbakery.co.nz/Products/Vol-au-Vents.asp Cheat Ira - And here I was envisioning you meticulously crimping all the edges of each pie!
  11. That's a good thing! We need some decent sized stock around.
  12. We do our best! What sort of trays do you make these in Ira?
  13. Nice pic! I really like lawns that have not been 'Scalped' and you can see the dirt!
  14. viewtopic.php?f=24&t=42159
  15. That's cheating! Pic before the tidy up. I will not be posting mine, I am of the opinion that a clean desk is the sign of a sick mind... (or someone who has nothing better to do, anyway )
  16. Good work, looks similar to the Tunze Nano Cleaner I had in one of my tanks.
  17. Just check the age thing, I know the bus from here to Wellington will not take under 16yr olds unaccompanied by an adult.
  18. How to post pic details here: viewtopic.php?t=2406
  19. Hey, it has music - unlike those teenie boppers you were photoshopping...
  20. Awww... I like this one! Was on the same page as yours...
  21. Yesss...next page! Back on topic please :evil: Time is Running Out - Muse
  22. Arrrgghhhh - avert your eyes. :evil: at Sam...
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