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Everything posted by Zev

  1. Zev

    Project AA

    Chop a drink bottle in half and screw it to the side of the cupboard and stick your cylinder in that, the Zero Water ones might be the right diameter? I would put some washers or some such thing under the head of the screw so that the bottle won't tear over the screw.
  2. Zev

    Project AA

    I like the flourite - I have the same stuff in one of my blackwater tanks, I normally do not like substrate that is any colour other than dark grey.
  3. Know how you feel, I have a small tank with too much light, slow growing plants and get algae by the bucketload if I forget to dose Excel for a day or try and supplement to stop the leaves going yellow with Comprehensive or Iron - cannot triple dose Excel to knock the whispy green algae off as the tank has a population of corys in there that think it is heaven and have started to lay eggs all the time :nilly:
  4. Shh Sophia - he has not worked out who I am at the HBAS meetings yet! No Graeme, no gender thingy, just a long story about trying to choose a TradeMe name when the one you were going to use was taken, then picking one on the spur of the moment without considering the ramifications of it. Weekend would be best Donna, I can swap you about a cup full of noodles, pm me your address and phone number and we can set it up from there.
  5. I can give you a bit of filter media, not sure what a Jebo has in it but I have ceramic noodles that we can swap if you like, but you will probably need to add a little fish or two at the same time or the bacteria will not multiply very fast.
  6. Where abouts are you, if you put your location in your user profile someone local may be able to give you some filter material already seeded with bacteria and get you started a bit faster. http://www.fnzas.org.nz/?p=1868
  7. It's only little, honest! I don't know Graham, some of the older more established clubs seem to have their meetings on weeknights, and the newer ones have theirs on the weekend - maybe we are just old fuddie duddies?
  8. Meeting is on the 17th, so may be a bit early. You had better turn up for dinner that weekend too, then you can pick something up to drop back to Sam for me
  9. Gee Wok, you missed a good meeting! We got chocolates and lollies provided as well. Thanks to Michael and Anna for hosting our meeting, we got a good insight into the fish retail industry and had a good chance to chat to them and other club members about their fish and setups.
  10. If she just reformatted the volume to Fat32 or MacOS2 the data should still be recoverable providing she has not overwritten it, Disk Utility also has security erase options - Zero erase and 7 and 35 pass erase, if she selected any of these the data would be hard to recover in the first instance and probably not be recoverable for the last two.
  11. In iTunes Mac you need to right click the title of the song and select 'Get Info' the file location shows at the bottom of the first window. Generally by default iTunes stores music in the following location: /Users/(your username)/Music/iTunes/iTunes Music
  12. To find where your music is on your Mac from Finder press F and in the search box type in the name of one of your songs - make it something that is not too common or you will get a lot of partial returns, if it shows in the search results click on it once and it will show you the path at the bottom of the window. This works in Leopard and Snow, but I do not have Lion so cannot tell you if it is still the case for that OS.
  13. You are really going to have to make an effort you know :-? And I am sure the cake did not go to waste - or should that be waist?
  14. This month's meeting will be held at AquaFever where our Tech Talk will be on Seachem products. There will be instore specials available on the night and we will be having a club auction as well. The meeting will start at 7.30pm Shop 3, Pacific Boulevard Market St South Hastings All welcome.
  15. Good grief - I nearly fell off my chair! Three meetings eh?
  16. Zev

    Project AA

    Nice Sam, you need some black nail polish to paint on the exposed bolts, or can you put them up the other way so only the heads show at the top or are they too long? If this is the case let me know and I will see if there are any shorter ones in our workshop that I can send you. And good to see Skylla being of no assistance what so ever
  17. Zev

    The What's Up? thread.

    So the top pics are of the cat in the dog bed?
  18. You could try these guys http://www.ducks.org.nz/duck.htm I have no idea where they are based though.
  19. Zev

    Rainbow badis

    http://www.fishbase.org/summary/Badis-badis.html http://www.fishbase.org/summary/Dario-dario.html
  20. Has anyone seen an aquarium made from this stuff yet? http://www.iqglass.com/products_iqglass/
  21. Zev

    Rainbow badis

    Some nice pics here: http://www.fnzas.org.nz/?p=1699
  22. It is also dependent on calcium and alkalinity levels, from memory about 400 mg/L for the calcium.
  23. Remember we are talking marine here, not freshwater. Pros - allegedly everything you need to have a marine setup out of the box - neat and tidy appearance - the AquaReef does not have a one piece rounded glass front and sides like the RSM 130 and 250 (my pet hate so I am calling this a pro, and it has black silicon and 10mm glass in the 400 model) - the AquaReef has a metal stand clad in a cosmetic cover rather than being made of weetbix mdf, It has a black two inch rim around the base of the tank that is sealed to the glass to stop water getting in between, but (see cons) Cons - you are paying for everything in one go, you cannot buy it bit by bit as finance allows (unless you put it on you Qcard or finance it) - depending on what you wish to have in your tank you may have to upgrade lighting, but they are generally ok for FOLR or softies and fish. Our LFS has a Geisseman 2x MH fiting over their AquaReef 400 as they have acros in the tank, ceiling mounted - something else to run pass the landlord or the missus. - the AquaReef and AquaMarine tanks sit on top of the stand, there is no lip or structure to stop it sliding off in the event of an earthquake, I suspect the RSM may be the same but I have not had a good look at the bottom of one lately. RedSeaMax are available in 130 and 250l the 130D model is an upgraded version of the 130 Red Sea are also doing a 400, 500 and 650l Max S range that should be available in NZ this month. AquaReef come in 400, 300 and 250l AquaMarine 900 is 176l and virtually a converted AquaStart with the bow front and rounded corner glass and a Marisys system shoe horned into the back of it There are probably more, but this is all I can think of at the moment, quite a few people modify their all in one systems by upgrading skimmers and flow, but you are limited to what you can fit in the cabinet or under the hood and the amount of money you are allowed to spend out of your wallet.
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