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Everything posted by Zev

  1. If you do not want to breed too many fish, I would suggest that you have just male guppies, otherwise you will end up with a severe case of MTS in no time in order to save the fry. Usually you have a higher ratio of females to male guppies so that they do not get harassed incessantly by the male, I would consider three females to one male a good ratio, but others may have a more informed idea of what works. Looks like we will have to have a AR380 aquascaping competition soon, there seems to be a few of them turning up, mine is blue and I hate the colour, as with yours it was a second hand acquisition, complete with blue glass chip substrate as well!
  2. You don't eat the 'fruit', it is more a pod, than a tasty looking fleshy thing. The Chinese eat the seeds or nuts of a different type of lotus - Nelumbo Nucifera
  3. Hemianthus callitrichoides - and I don't think so.
  4. Like this... http://showcase.aquatic-gardeners.org/2 ... l=0&id=184 First place, no less!
  5. Have a look here for some inspiration, but remember that not all of the plants you see here are available in NZ. http://showcase.aquatic-gardeners.org/2008.cgi The 'Tree' made of driftwood and Christmas moss is interesting...
  6. Attention club officers. If you club has recently had its AGM and if any of the club officers or their contact details have changed, can you please send me the updated information by PM. This also applies to club subscriptions and meeting places and times. Please take this opportunity to check your club information here. If you wish to add some info about your club, please write this up as well and send it to me. Can you please co-ordinate who is to send me this information so that I do not get duplicates. Thanks
  7. If anyone is wishing to attend the conference, but are not taking up John's offer for accommodation and have made alternative sleeping arrangements, you still need to send John the registration form that was included in Aquarium World. John needs to know numbers for catering purposes, and does not want any surprise people just turning up and expecting to be fed. If you require a Registration form, please email me and I will forward one to you. Also, all clubs need to forward in writing to the FNZAS Secretary at least three days before the conference who their delegates are in order for them to be recoginsed at the AGM and be able to vote on any matters.
  8. Hi Skippy and welcome. Could you please add your location via the User Control Panel, thanks.
  9. Still, a lightly poached pleco is still not a good thing...
  10. Nice fish Phoenix. Umm... should this be deg F?
  11. Progress pics would be nice, but be careful that Caryl doesn't find out what you are up to and demand an article for the Aquarium World magazine!
  12. Hiya Jude Caryl has been posting from her big OE, there are a few threads going you can have a look at to see what she has been up to, like playing with snakes and spiders....
  13. I thought we had ascertained that quite some time ago?
  14. You mean you didn't run the IR heat sensor over it before you let it in the house? tsk. tsk...
  15. You're just jealous - admit it! Nice bubbly bits, Conch
  16. Our daughter named our cat, when she was three we were driving home with the kitten in a cat box and it started to go 'Mrow', our daughter goes 'Gary!' - obviously watches too much Spongebob. The name stuck and we have to explain the story every time we point out that our ginger cat is a girl, whose name is Gary...
  17. Happy birthday! The substrate looks pretty tasty!
  18. Tis rather chunky, isn't he? I am with Phoenix on this one, looks like they are sizing Petrie up to see if they could get him in one of their mouths without you noticing - I would not for one second turn your back on them.
  19. Applicable to teenagers as well?
  20. Either that's one small skateboard, or one humongous Magpie!
  21. Memberlist and Profiles are not available to anyone at the moment, trying to avoid our members getting spammed or unsolicited emails.
  22. Hi BikBok, and welcome to the forums. The PM will stay in your Outbox until the recipient logs in, then it will transfer to their Inbox and then into your Sentbox.
  23. Just remember, whatever name you choose, you have to be comfortable standing at your front door and yelling it down the street!
  24. I was going to say, getting him to lay still on the chopping board as you approach him with the scalpel will be a mission - clippers or a good sharp pair of small stainless scissors sounds like much less stress on the pair of you!
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