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Everything posted by JoandWilly

  1. Hmm dolphin mysterisaly stopped holding yesterday so can cross that one off the list.
  2. ok guess no one knows where to get any.
  3. yeah thaw and shell the peas, dont know why you have to shell them but everyone says to, what i know some people do is chuck some peas in a blender and anything else, add some garlic, maybe if your feeling gernerous some mysis shrimp or something and blend it all up, and freeze it into small squares like an ice cube tray or something(i find the mysis shrimp trays or blood worm trays are the best) if its to running or breaks up in the tank to much you can always add some agar to the mix to stiffen it up.
  4. spinach, silverbeet, zuchinni, peas cant think of anything else have heard cucumber but havent tried to feed it to them myself, just any green vegies really, not sure about brocolli though.
  5. lol to young to have kids at the mo, well to young for me some of you oldies would have had kids by my age (21) i'll just have to visit www.i.need.a.little.slave.for.water.cha ... eanuts.com or o'll have to invest in a barrel and pump so i dont have to carry buckets.
  6. Our fish's are just going nuts at the moment this is what we have in the way of fry or fish holding in the last 3 months 1 Spawn of brichardi's 3 spawns of aruatus 1 spawn of electic yellows 2 spawns of bumble bees/hornets and female holding again dolphin currently holding bristlenose fry and looks like a couple of kenyis are holding. Bigest problem is not enough tanks, and having to do water changes everynight and have tests at uni this week so not at home to feed all the fry, i wish i had a little slave boy to do the water changes and feed the fish for me
  7. JoandWilly


    anyone know where to get dolomite in auckland or a place that will order it in for us??? locking for rocks.... even limestone rocks will do but having the same trouble with them.
  8. someone must know where to get this stuff from.
  9. we used courier post in albany, they were nice and friendly about it and said they'd arrange for the courier to drop it off as soon as possible in the morning, we posted it at 6pm on a monday night and it arrived 10.30 on the dot tuesday morning in wellington. Plus they are the only courier company that has a location on the north shore. Only bonus with fastways is they will do pick up from your house, no one else will unless you have an account with them.
  10. we tired gourami's (dwarf ones) and they kept dying on us, we went throught 8 of them before we gave up. Bettas we would like but would prefer to get something that would breed in the tank successfully, as we dont have any spare tanks and any that we do have go toward malawi fry.
  11. hey have a planted tank, 120x50x45 and currently has guppies, 1 siamese algae eater, 1 glass catfish, 3 khalui loachs and 5 bristlenose's and a few old neons which are slowly dying of old age one by one, but i dont know what else to add, would prefer to get something, non-livebearer and not cichlids, that would readily breed in the tank. any ideas would be great. (pH is around 6.6-6.8)
  12. Does anyone know where to source this stuff around the greater auckland area, we spent the weekend searching for it around different places, including stone and water world who didnt have it or know where to get it. We are searching for rocks ranging from the size of a tennis ball to a soccer ball. any help would be much appreciated.
  13. yeah we've done that but half fill the new tank with tank water from the other tanks aswell, then its like doing a 50% water change and leave it for a few days to settle, test everything and if it's fine chuck some fish in.
  14. stone and water world is a great place in aucks but doesnt have coral rock but can get limestone and dolomite
  15. you dont have to chuck them all in at once, they dont all need to be the same size either but that makes it easier, you can add them slowly but everytime you add some new fish take all the rocks out and re-arrange them to mix up the territories, so start off with the least aggresive ones, and build your tank up slowly.
  16. it's fine if you put ours in (if north shore ever send you a list with our name's on it)
  17. its not hard to do but you get nervous and scared that you'll hurt the female, you pretty much hold her in your hand and open her mouth with a tooth pick or something and shake the fry out, i hate doing it but since all the females are in the community tank we kinda have to if we want a decent number of fry to survive.
  18. Its up to you what you do from here, different people go different ways, The way i do is, is at the 2 week mark i strip the fry from her mouth and raise them myself from there starting them off on baby brine shrimp. The other way is to put her in a tank buy herself with plenty of little hiding places for the fry when she spits them naturally, you'll also need the start the fry off on baby brine shrimp when you noticed she has spit them, but with some species you can get away with finely crushed flake food. The other thing with letting her do it the natural way is that sometimes they will keep holding the fry for 3 weeks plus and it can get rather hard on the female as she wont eat, but you still need to add tiny amounts of food after about 2 and a half weeks cause she will take it into her mouth but the fry will feed on it.
  19. Yellows are pretty much add water and plenty of females and the breed, we have heaps at the mo, like 50 and our females holding again (lost our other 2 females), but they are quite big enough to sell yet put should be in a few months.
  20. hmmm the pulcher's require quite different water parameters to the others, and also the pulcher's get really aggresive when the breed, we have the brichardi's (which are similiar) and they will kill any other fish in there tank when they feel like it.
  21. Also if anyone wants to recieve the north shore newsletter by email, just pm me with your email address. Willy
  22. I would highly recomment the aqua one cannister filters, but wouldn't recommend the internals at all, i'd say the fluval internals are the best that we have used.
  23. JoandWilly

    ID Please?

    if it was our's well we brought it, from rob and he breed it with an ahli (electic blue) and a random female that he couldn't id.
  24. JoandWilly

    ID Please?

    lol that fish looks familiar, we used to have one just like it(could even be ours we sold it on trademe in aucks) i'd say its a cross breed and you'll never know what it really is unless you id the parents lol
  25. I just throw mine at the shed floor, that way it's like opps i dropped it with force lol :lol:
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