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Everything posted by JoandWilly

  1. Never bothered using the stuff unless setting up a new tank thats 100% tap water and then even then i just use half the dosage on the bottle, as far as i know we haven't lost any fish from chlorine or chlormine, we use a shower head type thingy though for filling up the tanks. Also i read a post from Warren in another thread that tap water contains about 1ppm chlorine and if your doing a 20% water change it takes it down to 0.2ppm which isn't enough to damage gills.
  2. Man I was i had the $$$$ to set on up, looks good and will be more impressive once you get some corals in there.
  3. JoandWilly

    tels tank

    Lol this made me crack up laughing, have you every smelled pure ethanol, it smells exactly like vodka and just about every other strong alcoholic drink. lol So infact you CAN smell alcohol, except when you start getting up to the larger molecule ones with longer carbon chains as they dont change to a gas as readily.
  4. OK we have a big male, and we ordered some females from pet city in hamilton once but when they came in we didnt have the money. They had all males but were able to get the female's from the supplier. Might be worth ringing up Dan and asking if they can get in the ice blue zebra females. I have noticed that pretty much all stores only stock the males.
  5. Thanks just a couple of other things, should i put all 3 fish in there or just try with 1 of hte females to start off with and if nothing happens after 3-4 days swap her Also whats some other ways of making the insufoira (spelling) I would prefer to make it out of the tank and add it as needed to stop pullotion to much.
  6. Just wanting some advice on breeding these things, we have 1 male and 2 females and read up a lil on them but want some first hand breeding advice.
  7. never lost a fish from a nipped off tail, its not till the start attacking the body that its the problem, as long as he is eating fine he should be fine, we have the odd malawi cichlid who gets there whole tail eatn off and they are fine and it fully regrows within a couple of weeks.
  8. okay so thats a few of them identified, what about the others Also out of neons, guppys, platties, gourami's skunk loachs and a couple of small bristlenose's, what would be eating our plants???
  9. hmmm we have neon's and platties in with our guppies on their talls do get nipped at but the neon's tails also get nipped at, think that might be the loach's though. Tetra's are known to be fin nippers i think.
  10. What other fish are in the tank, could be a bit of fin nipping going on?
  11. You could use that external filter but then also buy a larger internal filter, say a fluval 4 for extra filteration. Even if you had a larger external i would still say use a internal for flow with the cichlids, most of them really love swimming in it.
  12. Yeah hollywoods and Jansens botany and mt eden, i wouldnt recomment going to any other jansens......... also Pupuke(spelling??) aquariums is supposed to be good.
  13. I've found with live bearers, that sometimes after they give birth their insides seem to collapse and they never recover, and just go do hill slowly and theres nothing you can do about it.
  14. Theres to types of degrees of hardness Kdh which would be the amount of carbon dissolved in the water i think.... and Gdh which is the amount of metals dissolved in the water i think, so Kdh would be for the CaCO3
  15. we had a huge infeststation of them, put 3 skunk loache's in the tank and pretty much all the snails were gone overnight.
  16. Okay i've got a similar question, how do i get rust build up off a tank, scrapping it off still leave's some on there and dont want to use a chemical that might dissolve or destory the silicon????
  17. We had the same problem with our whisper filter of the water going back out over the intake pipe, to solve this we took out the filter wool bag that you use in it and just replaced it with normal filter foam, its not as fine and doesnt get clogged up as easy with stuff, the main problem is restictions from things getting dirty. As for it being noisy, ours was fair quiet but it did "whisper" if its getting rattly, you may need to replace the impeller.
  18. Hey guys these are most of the plants we could you help us identify them cause we honestly have no idea. This plant is in the middle not to clear to see http://i28.photobucket.com/albums/c222/joandwilly/f074f01e.jpg Is this one camboda or something? http://i28.photobucket.com/albums/c222/joandwilly/61fe5736.jpg This is the long stringy one thats not planted very well http://i28.photobucket.com/albums/c222/joandwilly/7dff2c5b.jpg This one is quite common i think http://i28.photobucket.com/albums/c222/joandwilly/936182bf.jpg Is this an amazon sword??? http://i28.photobucket.com/albums/c222/joandwilly/7ca5cb11.jpg I think these 2 are the same http://i28.photobucket.com/albums/c222/joandwilly/c7039bf6.jpg http://i28.photobucket.com/albums/c222/joandwilly/9d33899b.jpg Same plant but 2 different pics http://i28.photobucket.com/albums/c222/joandwilly/579c9e68.jpg http://i28.photobucket.com/albums/c222/joandwilly/6c1b64b7.jpg Same but 2 different pics http://i28.photobucket.com/albums/c222/joandwilly/226dd076.jpg http://i28.photobucket.com/albums/c222/joandwilly/d7d1f141.jpg Last but not least http://i28.photobucket.com/albums/c222/joandwilly/6be89ef9.jpg Thanks for any help.
  19. Daltons aquatic mix is what we are using... only put it in about 2 months ago and have seen huge improvements from then... $7 for a 15kg bag from bunnings.
  20. If you do transfer them into a breeding net in the tank with the adults put a thin layer of sand or gravel on the bottom so they can't eat them. If i had a spare tank to transfer the female to i would but on the other hand letting them hold for to long can wear the female out causing problems.... exspecially with the ones that dont even like to spit them out after a month.
  21. I always laeve ours in the tank untill the 2 week mark then strip her and at about the 16 day mark they start feeding on bbs.
  22. The way this works is the airstone in the top draws the water up with the bubbles and the water moving up moves the eggs around so they aren't just sitting on the bottom (works the same way as a gravel filter, drawing the water up through the pipe.) you need the air bubbles coming out from down in the pipe but not to far down that they are going to draw the eggs up and shoot them out with the bubbles, to much movement in the eggs can cause them to bruise aswell so you diffently need some way of controlling the air flow.
  23. Brain at the goldfish bowl repairs tanks and im sure if you asked him nicely he might build one... other than that a few of the glass places in hamilton do but they might be quite exspensive.
  24. If find the best thing to do after the first month is to feed them flake food first, and then about 10 mins later drop in a small amount of bbs, this way they scot round eating the bbs after already being full of flake and there bellies get nice and big with the extra food.
  25. JoandWilly


    As far as i know, its not contagious unless the fish dies in the tank, then it realises the liquid build up from inside of it. So if i had something that had dropsy, i'd destory it straight away to minimise the risk of anything else getting because i could be wrong as i have just taken advice from other people.
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