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Everything posted by JoandWilly

  1. ideal ph is around 8ish but all the malawi's we have will tolerate down to 7 and breed in 7, our display tank is sitting at 7.5 at the mo and cant seem to get it any higher (without using chemicals) and all the fish are fine and breeding in that.
  2. umm at the mo have lots of electric yellows nearly at a sexable size, kenyi at a sexable size but some are getting picked up tomorrow so not sure how many left, then have auratus and bumble bees at about 2cm, have just breed some estharae and ice blue zebs (they only tiny tiny to small for selling), also have some brichardi's but they still to small, and have 2 spawnings for bristle nose's but they only like 1cm and more eggs. i think thats all for now.
  3. is he like spiralling as in always turning a certain way or spiralling as in going belly up the spinning back upright, belly up, then upright again, if it's the later, i'd put him out of his misery, thats got something to do with the lateral line in them being damaged and cant keep themselves upright in the water anymore, most fish that we have do that usually die within a hour of it starting or i put them out of their misery
  4. no havent had any probs with cross breeding, we also have other things breeding in the tank to and they all come out looking just like the parents, if i did come across any cross breeds i would use them as feeder fish, dont want cross breeds out there.
  5. that is true, only problem i can find is with larger fish, their poos are much larger and wont go through the fine net, and they'd just drop down again if you stopped the flow, i have argonite gravel in our tanks and its all 2mm and gets sucked up so what i do is quickly zip round picking up all the big poos and then stir up the gravel with my hand to clean it and get the deep dirty spots and then just syphon out the rest of the water im taking out
  6. lol i just decant the water out of the bucket, give the sand a rinse, decant the water off again and chuck the sand back in the tank, guess it would be different if you were syphoning the water straight outside or down the drain.
  7. Lol i have the same problem, we have 4 female bn and 1 male in a tank and he's always on eggs and theres baby bn everywhere, and then we have africans who breed every 3-4 without fail so we have bn, electric yellows, bumble bees, auratus, kenyi and ice blue zebs coming out of our ears and other places.
  8. Great thats gonna save a lot of bucket carrying :bounce: :bounce:
  9. Hey would this be ideal for water storage, salt or fresh water. http://www.trademe.co.nz/Home-living/Outdoor-garden-conservatory/Other/auction-69735852.htm
  10. lol, well i'm not wanting kids yet have to many of my own things i want to do before i bring a little sprog into the world.
  11. People have huge debates on this topic, it all comes down to personal opinion, i think if the fry look healthy and are not deformed then keep them and sell them on but cull any that have deformities, i have one baby dolphin who is discoloured, not effecting his growth or anything but i'd never sell or breed from it, just leaving it in the grow out tank.
  12. So if your interested please come along Meeting At: Sunnynook Community Centre, 148 Sycamore Drive, Sunnynook Meeting Starts at: 7.30pm
  13. lol kids cost to much, when they find a way to keep them cheapily then i might consider having some, and plus jo sez looking after one kid (me) is enough at the moment.
  14. As far as i know its not contagious unless the fish dies in the tank, so i would remove the suspected fish immediately and probably put it out of its misery as theres no known cure, we used to get it occasionally in the tanks that had bad water quality but since then we have improved our water quality and havent had it since.
  15. i dunno i wouldnt realyl want to go over 10-12 fully grown fish in a 4 foot, we have about 20 in our 5 foot and it already looks a little crowded, and we have no problems with aggression and everything in there is breeding.
  16. yeah i seen some small ones (2-3cm) at hollywoods mt roskill about a month ago.
  17. One of them is our dolphin who has breed before, we successfully raised 6 out of about 70 lol, and that was trying to do it from eggs, and the other is our tangerine who holds and the eggs are all fertilized but she always spits after a couple of days and tryed to raise them outselves last time but they fungisized.
  18. yeah seen those ones but dont want to buy anything to make one, and yeah we have do it if they already have there tail and that but are pretty much still gets but can't do it from 2 day old eggs.
  19. has anyone built a successful one before, i need one have a couple of fish that wont hold and i tryed a few different things but it hasn't worked for me so any ideas would be great.
  20. yeah more fish is better but that comes with extra filtration and water changes, if you are using a 1000Lph cannister fitler i would recommend also getting a powerful internal, just to give the tank more circulation and that way the internal picks up most of the gunk which leaves the cannister for manily the bio filtration. Also plenty of hiding places is good to let weaker fish have somewhere to hide from the stronger ones. I've heard the johanni can be prety aggressive but not sure myself never had them
  21. oh yeah, yeah we have a whole lot more electric yellows growing up, hoping to get them to a sexable size so we can keep the best females to breed back to our male, who must be 3-4 years old by now.
  22. Lol its not about the driving its about the cost, with me being a student, and jo working cant afford to drive that far for rocks, but on the other hand if anyones coming up from hamz can they bring us a boot load lol
  23. How did the electric yellows turn out that we sold you ryanjury, they were from our first spawn so was just wondering.
  24. problem is the only sink downstairs is the laundry sink which has a spray nosel on it so can attack anything to it, im hoping to be able to extend the pipe on the though so it reachs all the tanks, just like a hose would.
  25. Im pretty sure captain compost in hamz has limestone but yeah dont really wanna drive to hamz just for some rocks.
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