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Everything posted by alanmin4304

  1. Do you have any sign of blue/green algae?
  2. alanmin4304

    high jump

    They only jump when they get a fright and Wok wears sneakers.
  3. I have a large pleco with my mature turtles but it grew up with one from them both being babies. Both now nearly 10 years old.
  4. I find the heatpad works well for me and was cheaper than buying 6 good quality heaters. It also means a bare tank is a bare tank.
  5. It comes down to the type of filters or how often you want to do water changes. They don't need a lot of space but most fish prefer good water conditions. My killi tank is 1200 x 450 x 400 high and in 6 sections. This gives a bit of room to adjust water levels to vary temperature (heated with a heat pad) and gives some "head room" when doing water changes so they are less likely to jump out. I have no aeration filters or heaters. I have java fern with the fish normally and put them in bare tanks when breeding. Works well for me. I seperate the sexes as soon as I can see the difference and grow them out in bigger tanks with similar species together.
  6. I hope the pet shop didn't sell you lots of plants and apple snails
  7. Killies love them (eating the babies that is)
  8. I think they use 100mm pipe and it is not white. I have a cabinet with flouros in the lid and I painted the inside white and it works well.
  9. I have a 1200mm tank in 6 compartments and heated with a heatpad. It works well for killies and you can adjust the temperature by having different water levals. I keep males and females seperate so as to condition them for breeding. I would keep Nothos seperate as they are real good at getting velvet and most people add salt to control it.
  10. Fungus is generally an oportunistic infection and the primary cause is probably finrot which is bacterial. I have never used melifix so I know nothing about it other than I don't like the idea of putting tea tree oil in my tanks. Treat for fin rot and fungus. The main thing is to find out what caused it and fin rot is usually caused by bad water conditions. Do you have any fish in there that could be chewing angel tails?
  11. I think the most important thing is to make the tank stand into a platform so the weight is better distributed. I have a ring around the base as well as the top and customwood top and bottom so the weight is distributed over the whole area rather than down through 4 or 6 leggs. That way it is less inclined to punch down through the floor.
  12. I think we should be clear about lime. Calcium oxide is then slaked to give calcium hydroxide which then reacts with CO2 to form calcium carbonate. Marble and limestone are calcium carbonate and concrete and the like contain calcium oxide and hydroxide which are way more toxic than marble which will only make the water hard if it is acid, otherwise it is almost insoluble.
  13. Although I have never done it you may be able to make a reflector from PVC pipe for instance and line it with aluminium foil using heat resistent adhesive, or paint it with heat resistent silver paint. I am sure there have been posts previously on this so someone should be able to help.
  14. White stones look great but the don't stay white very long. I assume it is because they reflect the light but they will support a lot of algae growth normally. I have three large pieces of wind worn Takaka marble which I have made into caves by gluing them onto slate and adding clay flower pots. They are the same marble as the floor in the Christchurch town hall which is white but they now vary between grey and black with algae. They have not been green (I assume it is because of the Ca CO3) and they do look good. I used them because of their great shape but since they will not remain white you might be better off starting with grey or black stones.
  15. Will the tape stay on with the heat from the lights?
  16. I have a 300 litre heavily planted community tank with three large chunks of marble and the fish don't mind at all. Calcium carbonate (limestone,marble,shells etc) is not very soluble and only realy in acid water.
  17. It should work then if you get your fittings glued in the correct position.
  18. Household bleach is HTH solution which is basically a solution of chlorine. Your fish will not like it. Hydrogen peroxide is used to bleach hair in a hairdressing salon. (peroxide blond)
  19. I found best success in seperating the larger ones out and keeping them all in tanks of about the same size or the larger ones get even larger and the others stay almost dormant. To get good growth you need to actually overfeed them so they have food all the time, remove excess food and do frequent water changes
  20. You won't get PVC plumbing pipe and fittings below half inch will you? and the filter hoses are smaller than that I think.
  21. You can get rid if blue green algae with hydrogen peroxide. I had used it years ago but had forgotten the dose rate. I was told they use 1ml of 32%/ 200litres for marines. I have been upping the dose and are now using 2.5ml of 40% twice a day. It is still there (I can smell it) and I have siphoned off all I can from the bottom so a bit hard to tell at the moment. I have killies in the tank which are OK and are pretty sensitive to medications usually. I understand that cyanobacteria are nitrogen fixers and therefore will not react greately to nitrate levals so phosphate reduction may be more important. It is the usual catch 22--- get the plants to grow and do water changes to strip the nutrient. I will do another 50% water change today and keep you posted on progress. I don't add fertilizers so I am not sure how you would get on using them together but I would be tempted to discontinue while treating with H2O2. It will probably drive off the CO2 as well as water has a greater afinity for 02 than CO2.
  22. Have a carefull look at the eggs. If they are white they will be no good, but if they are fertile you will see a baby fish in there by now. If you have added methylene blue the infertile eggs will pick up the blue colour and fertile ones will be clearer and you still should see an eye in there watching you.
  23. Woks are trained not to jump.
  24. If you put a narrow strip of the top covering material along the front as well as over the top no one will know what is underneath.
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