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Everything posted by alanmin4304

  1. It certainly is looking better. I apologise for that one. The two were seperated and both looked fine but I put them together because I was short of storage space. Looks like the skinny one got bullied out of its food.I should have checked it before sending. Please don't overdo it and end up with worse problems at the other end through overfeeding---I have seen a few lately that have problems from being too fat.
  2. In an auction if you say it is this or that then it better be.
  3. Democracy and free choice may have something to do with it. I also missed an auction with no buy now recebntly---asked to offer but heard nothing (so far).
  4. I would leave it for 20 minutes in a plastic container with enough warm water to cover its feet.
  5. OH MY O MY. You are having a bad day. The answer is simple---they are auctions and a buy now is a sale. Mine are the cheapest and anyone who is after making heaps from breeding lizards should consider another career. You can as some do, ask if they would accept X
  6. They have a red belly to warn frogs not to eat them. They have poison glands.
  7. Don't pull it off by force---get it soft and pliable.
  8. If they have unshed skin on the feet it is best to make sure the hide is damp but also soak the feet in warm water until the skin loosens and falls off. If it stays it can restrict the blood flow and cause gangrene.
  9. I have kept killies in outside ponds in Christchurch but only over summer.
  10. You may have more luck in a communal breeding setup with 20-30 fish. Are you breeding on mops and storing on peat?
  11. I hope it does not have dropsy but good luck anyway.
  12. I had a lid made of customwood for many years and no problems. It was extremely well waterproofed inside.
  13. Welcome and enjoy your time here.
  14. They will take fish but will not take reptiles
  15. I always had more luck using mops with australe. How many in your spawning group?
  16. Chinese are around but the Japanese seem a lot harder to get hold of.
  17. I used to always seperate by size for a number of reasons. The small ones are often the best ones and the largest are the ugliest and the most aggressive. I would take future breeders from near the middle unless there were particular features I wanted. Removing the largest allows the smaller ones to catch up. This is a problem with fighters and gouramis.
  18. Tails a bit thin for the age but don't get tempted to get in to the school of overfeeding that results in fatty liver and other problems. I am sure you have the right food to get a little bit more condition on. Is that the one laying eggs?
  19. Have to like the first one, love the second and advise to cut out the choccies on the third.
  20. Shubunkins are about but I can't say I have ever seen bristols or any decent shubunkins in a long time. Goldfish were banned from being imported for many years so the quality has not been good for a while. I understand they can now be imported but I don't know if anyone has. I don't imagine it would be easy or very financially rewarding.
  21. Pure herbal products sounds like a pseudonym for snake oil to me.
  22. If it is not designed to be under water your turtle could become very laid back after electric shock treatment.
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