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Everything posted by alanmin4304

  1. There are different flow rates through various portions of the media in a cannister filter as well.
  2. Poultry flies don't enter the house.
  3. When working as a Dangerous goods Inspector I have attended a number of "Class 2 incidents" and have never seen a representative from BOC at any of them.
  4. Many people are not happy about BOC changing from an exchange system to a rental system with their cylinders and their refusal to fill privately owned cylinders. They have a pretty good monopoly and they make good use of it. CO2 is way less toxic than CO. CO links with the haemoglobin and depletes the bloods ability to carry oxygen. Carbonic acid will only form with water and the gas fillers should be excluding water from the CO2. As with most things it is the users responsibility to used the gas safely, not the fillers. Their job is to correctly fill the right cylinder with the right amount of the right gas.
  5. It is hard to explain but I will try. The chest on the male runs at near 45 degrees and almost straight into the tail. The female chest is more parralel with the tank bottom and more at right angles going into the tail. The ovipositor is a lot fatter on the female.
  6. Any type of wound will be the same. You will need to watch it to make sure it is/does not get infected and treat at the first sign.
  7. methylene blue is good for fungus but I have no idea how axies react to it. Best ask the experts.
  8. Three after school jobs and you will get there.
  9. It would be realy easy to strengthen if required and "ponsy up" so it looked realy good. The price is right as well. You could get rid of the fish easily if you didn't want them.
  10. Siamese algae eaters are best---the Chinese can get stroppy.
  11. The 40000k is kelvin as is the 40 part of the 840. I use them in conjunction with growlux for 17 hours/day without algae problems. On its own it would not be good enough. daylight or growlux would be better.
  12. It is not clear wether you wish to bring the pH up or down
  13. Better at 22-23 degrees
  14. It is easy to tell when you have a pair to compare the differences. The biggest difference is the shape of the bottom of the body from side on. The head lump as not reliable and realy only comes in old males, and then not always.
  15. If you have plenty of cover many should survive.
  16. The regulator regulates the pressure
  17. In NZ the law is the same and any person filling the cylinder is required to make sure that the cylinder has passed a current pressure test before filling. The charge of $30 to fill as against $10 to fill is a good indication of the difference between these outfits.
  18. I would prefer to see more natives spread around than little Ausies. Having said that, I do have green and golds.
  19. Are we discussing Java Moss or Java Fern?
  20. Sagittaria microfolia or subulata Echinodorus tenellus latifolius, tenellus var. tenellus or quadricostatus Lilaeopsis brasiliensis or novae zelandiae Riccia fluitans (under netting) vesicularia dubyana or montagnei (under netting)
  21. It takes about 3 hours for plants to work out that the lights are on ---not enough light.
  22. If it looks mouldy it will be infected with fungus and should therefore be treated with an antibiotc and fungicide.
  23. Henward-- I am a retired Envirnmental Health Officer, Plumbing and Drainage Inspector, Building Inspector etc. I am telling you that they are giving you bad advice. Silicone (RTV) will not glue PVC. You must use PVC glue. It is used in all PVC installing in waste pipes, stormwater and cold water supply pipes throughout the world. It is available from all hardware stores. Tell them you want adhesive for PVC used in cold water supply reticulation. It is probably used in the cold water system in your house, it is in mine.
  24. PVC water reticulation pipes are under mains pressure and are glued. Waste pipes are not under the same pressure so you can get a range of fittings as suggested by navarre. Also as stated, you only get one go at glueing so get it right. You should make sure the joint is clean and dry, remove any dags and give the joint one quarter turn as you make it to get the joint together properly. Requires careful planning.
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