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Everything posted by alanmin4304

  1. It is a a bacteria so you need an antibiotic. The easiest to obtain without a prescription from a vet would be furan2 available from most petshops
  2. Is it fungus or is it columnaris. Sounds like the latter to me.
  3. The theory was rubbished on TV3 last night. There are thousands of earthquakes in the world every day. We just happened to be sitting close to one recently. Earthquakes are realy caused by witches on broomsticks.
  4. It is not under the water but under the ground as it travels from the recharge area which is out by West Melton to the area under the city where the wells are. There are 4 artesian layers under Christchuch and the water supply is drawn from the second and third strata. It takes that long to get there.
  5. Just use the water from the tap. I don't think there is chlorine in the water and that is why we need to boil the water. The bugs in the water are more likely to be a problem to humans than fish. Taking water from a river would be different but our water is artesian and has been underground for 13 years.
  6. Tap water should be OK for fish tanks. Any sediment stirred up in the pipes should be relatively harmless and any diseases in the water are likely to be a problem for humans rather than fish. It is unlikely the water has been chlorinated as they are asking for water to be boiled.
  7. Sorry about that. The comment was made on bad advice given to me rather than any malice. I wish you all the best and hope it all turns out OK.
  8. I understand that Bubble and Sqeek are closing up.
  9. Lots of friendly strains walking the streets and going house to house checking on the locals.
  10. The biggest problem with aquariums is that they need to be vented at the top to allow their shells to dry.
  11. The genetics are not simple because I have spawned albino to albino and had virtually no viable eggs (one hatched and lasted a week is all). There is also a skew in sex ratios which suggests the albino gene could be sex linked. This linkage may be different from each of the "three" colonies. They seem (in my case) reluctant to breed. Plenty of croaking but not spawning. I set mine up on the advice of the original breeder but no success this season. It is now a bit shaky to worry about it too much.
  12. What are they eggs of? The eggs generally get fatter as they get nearer hatching.
  13. Courier out of Christchurch is off until Monday
  14. The other challenge is that there were two different colonies where albinos popped up so the actual links in each colony may be different as well.
  15. I would be happy because I had 9 and only one was a male.
  16. No. Someone else should be able to help.
  17. Different species also tend to produce more of one or the other sex. P52S produce a lot more females than males and the gardneri blues (aquarium strain which looks almost identicle have about half and half).
  18. I think the idea was that rather than Q time they would be cleared of high risk diseases at the export or import end.
  19. Either cleared at point of export or cleared here?
  20. Limnophila not aromatic--very little aroma. Emersed flower Anyone know what this plant is?
  21. Would the person who was after an Echinodorus martii and I suggested to contact Bob at Redwood Please send me a PM.
  22. An albino to a split should give some albino even if not 25% because they seem to be weaker.
  23. The first one is Hygrophila salicifolia which is usually sold as angustifolia (called willow leaf in USA)
  24. Copper sulphate will kill snails but it also will kill fish.
  25. For Hatching Artemia I used to just let it settle in a 20 litre container then decant it off.
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