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Everything posted by candy

  1. candy


    andrew can you get a pic by any chance .. im realy curiouse to see this beetroot.
  2. they are the same thing as aqua one.. just diffrent name.. we had one ( just sold it with tank) and it was brillent, not a problem at all.
  3. yes they did.. and he will be happly eating their angel fish ..
  4. silly fish.. that pretty much kills my plans then
  5. plecos move around at night!! and my bicher and bkg are lazy since the tank is in my room i watch them with the lights out thay hardly do anything
  6. iv tryed angels.... they drove me nuts.. i managed to get a breeding pair lol and they became quite snooty. blue and kim thank you for clarifying the size i would need if i do go ahead. I will be wanting to see the fish before buying and im lucky as to where i live there are quite a few people with good quality stock. i think i will be going for blue ones and red squiggly ones . what about my fish i have now? some one pointed out that discus cant/should not live with a bgk and a bicher. Why? i find both of my fish are more relaxed and less territorial then my old pleco. maybe because of what i feed them? any left over food is removed from the tank asap. any idears?
  7. thats what im going to do but i dont know the names lol.
  8. the tank has small dark brown gravel in at the mo. I'm not willing to pull it all up to add undergravel filter because have some beautiful extablished plants like marbled queen sword, amizon swords, rose sword ect.. running a canister filter that is very sufficuant and also have apower filter i could add if wanted. one thing about discus that realy confuses me is colours and types. i understand there are quite a few true types as well as lots of crosses.can anyone point me towards a web page or simular with named images of the diffrnt types? talking to the other half we where thinking of blue or the red/orange ones with white squiggles.
  9. yes thank you.. Lets please stay on topic. i want to know about older/ larger discus not babies as we have allready come to the point i need large ones so my non-bare bottem tank and other fish wont affect them growing healthy. at the end of the day i do want something healthy and happy
  10. NZ Discus man. i have seen you trades on trade me and have offten sat and wondered how they get on after they have been sold. Discusguru i see u live on the shore and if u win my jardini i might get to meet you tomrrow. maybe we can talk more about the discus then. All i can say is that if i go ahead with discus i want to provide them the best home possible but at the same time i want quality fish not runty little things.
  11. how big would the need to be to be ok growing in a non-bare bottem tank? Iv only realy seen smallish ones at fish/pet shops that are that impressive very brown or sooty looking. but looking through here for all the pic some of you have stunning fish. makes me get the i wants
  12. i have water tests too. check it all out every week. I would love discus but A. dont they grow better in a bare bottem tank? and B. where can i get quality stock?
  13. I water change and gravel vac every week. plus tank is over filtered if anything. I understand most people like to keep their tanks understockedbut i think with this tank and the way i run it having a few more fish wont cause to much trouble.
  14. Stupid fish likes swiming backwards in to his cave and wonders why he gets stuck.
  15. i would love a tank just full of those..... Gark.... I WANT!!!!
  16. I have a intresting situation with my tank. I have 3 fish, a BGK, a pandon butterfly and a polypterus delhezi ( bichir) The tank is semi planted with swords and has two huge bits of drift wood in it. I also had some tetras ( size of a full growen congo) 8 of them.. well in the last 3 weeks a few have disapeared over night (eated by the bichir) Now i realy need some more mid water fish that 1. dont eat plants. 2. wont fight with my other fish 3. or get eaten. Tanks specs are 4x2x2 foot ( have no clue how meany L) i relise i wil need a new tank in the next few years. So my question is. if this was your tank whatwould you do?
  17. yes very true flatfish. We have a friend in oz that catches them all the time. they are some what a pest over there in parts as because they are teritorial and chase kill other fish.
  18. maybe if the fire eel had lots of places to hide and you can hand feed it. it would be a risk but if your willing go for it
  19. ya cichlid7 pretty accurate wit the info. Most important thing with Arowanans is the width of tank mainly. Talking to the hollywood guys that said a 6x2x2 is the smallet the jardini should be kept in. The Jardini is not going to grow as big as the sliver and are normaly more relaxed by them selves. Tank mates.... Thats a hard one. IV already watched him rip my pandon apart and make short work of some full growen golden barbs. HE will harras the fish till they get sick and die. So anything thats big and can hold its own and fight for food but its realy got to do with the temprement of the Jardini in the first place. some one is deffinatly getting a bargin wit the Jardini but we just want him to go to a nice home.
  20. Buterfly size was about.. thinks.. was about 12cm... this was a wile ago so dont hold me to it lol. yes i love my little bichir even when he digs up my plants then sits in them as the float at the top lol. he is quite green looking now that he has gotten older and has nice patterns. I will keep you both in mind if i ever need to find him a home. The Jardini is a lovely fish a real show peice that shows off like no tomrrow. I hope we find him a nice home and i can keep in tought with the buyer as one day i would not mind having him back.
  21. Yes you can still get the african knife but it will out grow your tank but then so will your bichir. $30-35 normaly give ur local fish shop a call and see if they can get you one...also butterflys eat worms and pretty much anything that floats. wax moth bugs work well. $49.00 from memmory. congo tetras work as wel.. kribs will one day get eaten. real cute little fishy you go there
  22. my butterfly and bichir live happly togeather as well as with my BG knife. large tetras work well. only prob with the butterfly is that most will only eat live food .. but that can be kinda fun
  23. he is about 15 cm. he was an impuse buy ... so worth the $160
  24. oh i cant spell sorry he is a polypterus delhezi and beautiful. will keep you in mind of he ever needs a new home. I know we will end up regreting it but we have been given two weeks to move out and its lucky my mum and dad like nick otherwise he would of had nowhere to go. Im sponging off then untill i finish uni you see.
  25. yes it sucks and we would of rather kept them all but what can you do. i cant hog all the nice fish . We are keeping my 4 foot tank with BGK,Pandon, bisher and a few teras. It was a birthday prezzy from the BF and its well suited to us both. once we get our own house we will set up a salty.
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