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Everything posted by candy

  1. candy

    wanting to know

    Hi everyone. I have currently moved some fish of mine out of my big 4x2x2 tank and now a bit lost as to what to put in it. Curently have a bisher and ghost knife and will soon have a buterfly fish. I am wanting a cat fish that wont eat all the food as we had this problem with a pleco and the bisher was not geting fed and was also being harased. Does anyone have any ideas as to what i could add? Needs to be calm and not to teritorial.
  2. Evil it seems we like the same kind of fish.iv always wanted a royal pleco. Most of our big fish probaly died of old age as they did not look sick...
  3. So what do you have in there now? the plecos babies will end up getting eaten if not hiden well. we have watched our aro pick off half growen clownloaches he grew up with.. as u can imagen we wernt very happy about it. I think if u can get a nice knife fish, a clown or a royal it would look very nice in the tank. u wil just need to make sure nuthing is sharp so it does not get scrached and you will probaly have to hand feed( target feed it) so the aro does not eat it all. Or u could go with a bornio tiger. such beautiful fish, remids me of a little puppy that follows us for food
  4. It might look a bit empty now but wait till the fish get big then they will take up room. our 7x2x2 tank holds one silver aro and a bornio tiger plus a pleco and if we added anything elce it would look crowded. We used to have a big royal knife but he got sick one day and never recovered, found the knifes are pretty sensitive and it was not helped with our aro bugging it. We also had a fire eel and he was amazing and soo soo big and beautiful but he got a bacterial infection and we had no holding tank to fit a fish that size and we lost him in about 2 days it was very hard to medicate the tank.
  5. our silver aro is about 2 foor long (60 cm) and stil growing.
  6. poor fat fish ... try feeding him peas... u can normaly trick them in to eating them and then they pull funny faces
  7. just put the shrimps under some hot water till defrosted.. ur fish will soon learn to snap them up as they sink and our even gets them off the bottom of the tank... hand feeding is good fun. yes they are the hikari ones... mostof my local fish shops and pet shops have them or are able tot get them in..have a look on trademe ..
  8. our boy get arowana pellets (comes in a red and white bag with aro on it) they are good for color enhancing and also give him ruffage and isa stable diet. on top of that he get choped up mussle and whole shrimp... when he was smaller we fed him earth worms and other bugs bought from hollywood plus the pellets and the odd feeder too if feeding feeders i would definatly breed your own as shop bought cheep fish could be ill or have other nastys u dont want to pass on to your arow... its important in introduce other food at a young age so they dont become dependent on live food .belive me we have been there and it sucked,expecialy when we could not get any feeders and he would not eat anything elce. plus its important for them to have a stable diet and not have to menay high fat or high proten foods. our boy gets a handfull of pellets and a cup of shrip at each feeding (he is two foot long) and gets fed 5 out of 7 days at least
  9. u will want to be feeding him thing other then feeders as well ..as a baby we fed once a day then once he hit about 30 cm every seccond day.... lol expensive fish to feed i can tell u that
  10. candy


    we once put a albino pleco and a normal pleco in a 7 foot tank togeather... let just say it did not work out..plecos can be very nasty to each other when they want to be.. even my little BN is a meany to anything on his leval
  11. here is my beautiful boy. a crown tail but its not very promenent( cant spell)
  12. i would pay to watch that
  13. i would love it if MAF could explain why we cant get some fish and we can get others.... it does my head in
  14. i know they are banned.. but any idears why???? could they adapt to our waters?? or what?
  15. i know food town has them to for $3.99...look down hair/cosmetics/health.... they stay warm for about an hour.. i have fun pink ones
  16. candy

    skunk loach

    i know that iv got is a skunk..any one want to offer it a new home?
  17. how strong is your filter? these guys fins are very delicate and maybe because he is trying to swim in a strong current is stressing him out lowering his immune and in turn blowing his fins .also is there anything sharp in the tank he could of got riped on?(fake plants, sharp wood ect) it is good he is still eatind,is he still swiming about? also how long has the tank been set up for as amonia could have damaged his fins.. try adding some melafix to the tank to see if this makes a diffrence. dont worry about the p.h changing. if u are trying to rase it with ph up or something like that it will be doing more harm then good as it does not stablise the water and my betta is fine in water with a ph of 6. anyway u can get a pic up?
  18. if u feed them lots and offten they grow fast . ours never bit our fingers and after a wile he lernt to come out and eat with the rest of the fish. one very important thin is make sure there are no sharp wood or rocks or anything the fish can cut its self on and make sure he is not hiding old food in his cave...
  19. candy

    skunk loach

    look in trade & exchange.. little guy needs new home
  20. my mums got the digi SLR by cannon..its wicked
  21. its pretty cute looking......
  22. i realy like the right hand side (when looking at tank).. i think your fish would stand out more if the gravel was darker.... its a healthy good looking tank i like it
  23. candy

    skunk loach

    cool... might keep him for a week and think about if he will fit it in or not.. how much do they normal retail for?
  24. candy

    skunk loach

    cool... might keep him for a week and think about if he will it in or no.. ow much do hey normal retail for?
  25. candy

    skunk loach

    i bought some plants yesterday and when i got home found the bag moving and this little guy had hitched a ride... found out what he was by looking at pics on the net.... does anyone have any? are they as agressive as the web pages say towards small fish..eg.betta , cherry bards, black neons? he seems fine and happly finding places to hide in my drift wood. if i do keep him i will get him some friends but first want to know if he is ok wih my fish... also wat does he eat. so far iv put in a sinking wafer he might of eaten and some blood worms?
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