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how old do BN's need to be?


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Not sure how old they have to be but as for getting them to breed - they either will or they won't. They seem to breed continually for a time then stop for no discernable reason (sometimes several years) then start again - and the other way around.

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A cave / somewhere for the male to look after eggs is required and plenty food, the fish will do the rest. I've managed several breedings without doing pretty much anything to encourage them. Had to take Dad out as there were too many babies being produced.

As for how old, my 2 were around 9months - 1yr roughly, maybe a bit older.

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Thanx for that :)

Have noticed that my adult male has been digging out the stones from under his driftwood, is there any reason for this? He is very secretive, unlike the young ones who are out and about most of the time, they are so cute!

Also the young BN at work has suckered his/her way up the glass out of the water. It has only done this once but was wondering why it did it?

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He is making a nest for himself under the log. One of their favourite resting places.

Young BNs will sucker themselves all over the place, sometimes out of the water but not for long. Might have been trying to reach a particularly tasty piece of algae :wink:

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or you can have a naughty boy like mine who loves digging right smack bang in the middle of my tank in the sand and making the aquatic mix get exposed :lol: he only did that about 7 times but has stopped now thankfully :D

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  • 1 month later...

Hi, I've no idea either on how old they have to be to breed.

But like the others said if and when they start, they go crazy I,ve got loads of the little ones, I'd say the 2 lot in a month and they seem to be growing pretty fast. He's been hanging out in the shipwreck so that came in real handy.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I put a male in with my female for company and a couple of weeks later I didnt see my male for quite some time, then I saw 2 baby BN about 10-15mm long. I dont know what happened to the rest of the fry or where the 2 fry are now. I have a number of spaces for hidding in and under driftwood not sure which space was used as I couldnt find the male for some time.

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will a gbn breed with a standard bn? My father in law has one of each that appear to be male and female, and he noticed they seem to be fighting?

He doens't want them to breed but we are curious as to whether they are fighting or mating...

Sorry to hijack... :bow: don't mean to be rude, just figured while on the subject...


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Hi I'm sorry i don't know wether they would, hopefully someone else here might know. Only thing I could say is maybe if male and female of course but I have no idea . It would be interesting to know though.


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I have never found my BNs to fight except to chase each other away from food. They are certainly never serious about it and don't cause damage when they do.

If they are thinking of breeding they will be chasing each other then the male will be looking for somewhere to look after the eggs, like a hollow log or cave.

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  • 2 weeks later...

well they did breed, dad has been with the eggs for about 5 days now. only realised last night that he had eggs when we were trying to catch him to move him out of the tank. The log with the eegs in was out of the water for about 15-20 mins, so i'm unsure if eggs will survive.

The tank is about to be treated with anti-biotics too, so i'm guessing that will kill the eggs off too?

I'm going to start a new thread for this i think....


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That would be quite cool to see what a mix of the two would look like If anyone has successfully done this, bred a BN and a GBA, and has pic could you post it? i would be interested to see the result

http://www.fnzas.org.nz/fishroom/bristl ... 14592.html

if u read the last paragraph of the article below it explains how the L144 came about with cross breeding a golden male and a normal female than breeding back with its father .......

quit an interesting article and using his set up and technique GBA spawns constantly 3 spawns from 2 female in less than a month :D

http://www.planetcatfish.com/shanesworl ... cle_id=310

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