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Everything posted by Kim&Dan

  1. Can anybody enlighten me/us in regards to this question? Cheers, Dan
  2. We have a trio of Fundulopanchax gardneri and I am pretty sure they've been spawning lately They are housed in a small very heavily planted tank (it's basically a jungle in there! :lol:) - they seem to love it! There's a sponge filter, a small heater keeping the water at 23-24 C and we've been feeding them lots of bloodworms, dried bloodworms and flake food. Obviously this setup is not ideal for breeding them as it is basically impossible to get the eggs (especially not even knowing what the eggs look like... :-? ). Maybe I should change the setup... Now to my question: Just before the light went out last night I am pretty sure I saw a tiny tiny wee killie - it was a millimeter in lentgh at most! You could barely tell it was a little fishie - it was as wide as a fishing line is... really tiny! But I am pretty sure judging from it's jumpy behaviour and its shape that it is a baby. I tried to catch it but it was too small and went through the net... Are the Killie bubbas this small?? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated
  3. Glad to hear things worked out Very nice tank! :bounce:
  4. Congrats! Well done! Not too sure how it is with Cherry Barbs but I am assuming it's similar to other fish... I often get away feeding fine flakes if I don't have BBS but obviously they will never grow as fast. HTH...
  5. Yep! :lol: :lol: :lol: Congrats Dena & Gareth!
  6. Cool thanks Ours still are little ones and don't have the weird looking hump
  7. It depends on the fish but 20.5 is not too bad and I reckon they should be ok. Watch out for Ich or White Spot though - in the past when that sort of thing happened to us the worst consequence was Ich and/or White Spot... Good luck! HTH
  8. Is Lionhead Cichlid just another name for Lumphead Cichlid or are they different ones?
  9. Well done! I had a similar problem a while ago with a Guppy female... http://www.fnzas.org.nz/fishroom/stone- ... 11408.html She is still alive and kicking and just dropped a few babies yesterday BTW
  10. Kim&Dan

    Hey Everyone

    Hi puddles! A warm welcome to the forum from us too It is a truly great site!
  11. The first one looks like a male to me but I can't say much about the second pic - it is indeed too small... HTH
  12. :lol: :lol: :lol: No, we were talking about those square metal things... :lol: :lol: :lol:
  13. Kim&Dan

    Hi Everyone

    Hi carznkats! A warm welcome to the forums from us too! Have you already decided what to put into the 5ft community/cichlid tank? Just curious...
  14. Hey Caper! I think it wouldn't hurt if the top of the stand would also be nailed or screwed to the posts/legs. Sorry I don't know what those metal thingies are called either - I know they sell them in DIY stores here in NZ but I forgot what they are called... Sorry I can't be of more help
  15. Thanks Caryl and Mystic! The nose of Rudolf still looks the same but he's happy as - I'll keep observing it As you suggest, Mystic, it might actually have been from fighting with a previous temporary tank buddy - namely Rudolf Senior (his dad). :lol: Oh and thanks for the heads-up regarding the non-aquatic plant - we'll keep it till it starts rotting... :-?
  16. This is really interesting... Does anybody use garlic in freshwater tanks? Could it be fed to the fishies?
  17. Here's two pics of one of our tanks: This tank is a fairly recent addition to our tank collection (yes, MTS :lol:!) and currently stocked with: - A pair of Pearl Danios - 8 Juvenile Kribensis - 1 Redspot Sailfin Pleco One of the slightly larger Kribensis has a strange thing on his upper lip - it looks like a pale red wart - maybe it is an injury. He has had it for at least a month now and it doesn't seem to bother him at all. He eats and behaves just like the others. I was wondering if anybody can tell me what this could be. Here's a fairly good picture of him: I don't think it's something major just wondering what it is? Any ideas?
  18. There's a trick to catch Kuhlis (and other loaches) - mentioned before by others in the forum - take a piece of plastic tubing and put it in the tank with the Kuhlis. They will eventually go in there and then you can take the whole tube with them out or put nets at each end to catch them Hope that helps
  19. For Rainbow Fish check out this site: http://members.optushome.com.au/chelmon ... taenia.htm Loads of profiles of all kinds of Rainbow Fish...
  20. Rainbows are definitely a good idea
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