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Baby black bird help


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Rescued a blackbird chick last night as it had been pushed out of the nest by some mynahs and they parents were getting attacked, (and our local cat population is very high)

its only about a week or 2 away from fully fledging, and I have got it eating worms out of my fingers.

What other foods can I give it safely????

and any other help would be appreciated

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i love centipedes. the biggest i can get them here is around 7cm. but there are lots of them at my house. my 7yo daughter even took one to school in a tuppaware container for show and tell, bought it home again, and put it back in the same place we found it. she held it in her hand. so... i guess, you are more of a chicken than a 7 year old girl... :lol: ;)

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sure these are black birds and not starlings ? blackbirds normally are not in swarms while starlings are...

Starlings flock.

Blackbirds though...I've started counting them as I drive down the road the last few days. Just ones on, or next to the road I usually count 30-50 along a 5k section and maybe 3-4 of any other species. So, let's see....That's an average of 40 per .05 square kilometers or 800 per square kilometer. Meaning 214,416,800 throughout NZ. All 215 million intent on eating any berries or fruit I grow. That counts as swarming! :an!gry


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Starlings flock

english not my motheltongue, solly...

...but I always thought a flock of horses, a flock of bisons (and in the 80s a flock of seagulls) but bees, locusts, birds, everything flying in a group is called a swarm. while blackbirds more or less live in couples. I was proven wrong.

but you are right, I rather have Tuis, Bellbirds or Fantails in my garden than blackbirds, starlings or sparrows

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herd of cows?

german word Herde = herd or flock

german word Schwarm = flock or swarm

german word Vogel = bird

german word Vogelschwarm = swarm of birds or flock of birds

it's too bloody complicated... :cr2:

If all fools wore red caps, we should seem a flock

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