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Some questions re New Zealand market and laws


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I am new to New Zealand and would like to know which reserves/parks are the best ones to find good driftwood and rocks in Auckland's area. Is it legal to take those home?

Regarding buying plants in ebay to international sellers - would they be allowed entry in New Zealand or customs will block them? I am talking about the usual plants, mosses and ferns in planted aquariums.


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Can't help you with the driftwood as I'm not from that area. Try rivermouths as lots get washed down.

You won't be able to buy plants off ebay but you can use http://www.trademe.co.nz it's basically New Zealand's version of ebay. They have a separate section for aquatic plants.

Or, you could put up a 'wanted to buy' ad on this site. Lots of people here have plants for sale/free.

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As for removing sticks and stones from parks, they say you should take only photos and leave only footprints... But then again, long as you are not removing em by the truck-full, i wouldnt see too much problem... There definately are better places for driftwood like the others have pointed out, however.

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It is illegal to remove anything from parks and reserves. Having said that, it would not be a problem if you found a nice washed up piece of driftwood. They do not want you digging up plants etc.

Do not attempt to order any plant material in from overseas as all is banned unless, as said, you get the biosecurity clearance but this is cost prohibitive.

Thank you for taking the time to check out our laws before attempting any of this :love:

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Rangitoto and Motutapu have really nice driftwood lying on the shores - it doesn't cost much to catch the ferry over there. The East Cape is really worth going to but a fair distance from Auckland - its worth taking a few days to do the drive. Last time we were there I filled up my boot and the back seat.

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lol, mind you you should have seen JimR rearrange the back of his car to put a piece of driftwood I gave him, I get the distinct feeling that if he could not get it in that Mrs Jim may have been left at our place and the driftwood taken home!

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