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Filter not as powerful anymore..


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I have a Eheim filter (unsure of model, but it's a very big external "professional") that is not pushing out as much flow as it was a couple of months ago. I recently gave it a thorough clean out hoping that it was a blockage but it is still quite weak. The output used to blow the fish around but now it's almost a sad dribble. Does anyone have any ideas?

Thank you :) :smln:

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Sorry for late reply on this post everyone!

Thanks for the advice. I'll invest in a pipe cleaner brush and haven't been brave enough to pull out the impellor but will give that a go next week when i'm scheduled to do the filter again. I always take the pipes and flush water through them at great speed to get rid of chunks but nothing came out.

Media: filter gravel, filter ceramic noodles, eheim sponge and filter wool.

No air bubbles in pipes, have checked that one.

Yes the filter is great. Tank is still spotless and happy, i just want to get the pressure back up so the water is cycling around properly.


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haven't been brave enough to pull out the impellor but will give that a go next week when i'm scheduled to do the filter again.
This sounds like you clean the filter quite regularly. They shouldn't need cleaning often, and then not too much

- the wool / sponge maybe once a month

- 1/2 the filter gravel / ceramic noodles each 6 months :dunno:

I hope you get the flow back up to where you want it

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I've been having a similar problem with my external aqua 1000 lately too. The pipes looked a bit murky but nothing too serious. I was amazed at how much muck came out though while cleaning and the water flow is now SOO much better. :gigl:

I hope it works just as well with yours! :thup:

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