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My planted 33 litre community - April 2013 rescape pg 8


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it's a very delicate looking fish, the 'wings' and fins are very feathery as if made of lace.

I think I have to get him/her a friend as they need their own kind as company according to planetcatfish.

This was an occasion where I did my homework after buying the fish instead of the other way round - I thought it would be cool with the loaches but turns out they prefer less boisterous companions and cooler temperatures so this tank 'should' be good aside from the fact that they supposedly like sand.

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I thought bristlenoses were vegetarian or ate what fell to the bottom ?? :nilly:

He/she is small at present - see the badi on the left? Is not much bigger than him.

Mothra is out at present. He's very small indeed, and not so pretty for all his lace.


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Phew.... you scared me.

The catfish does look very predatory with those mean little eyes, he looks like a miniature anything-chomper but according to Planetcatfish it seems that I may get away with it..........

In their natural environment Hara jerdoni feeds upon small invertebrates and although it has been claimed that they readily accept prepared commercial foods, they do better when fed upon a diet of live food, supplemented with similar frozen foods, such as small bloodworms, grindal worms, micro worms, sifted daphnia, cyclops and brine shrimp nauplii.


so now you can have some too!


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  • 3 weeks later...

danios erythromicron and margaritatus milling about thinking they are going to be fed.....


the little grey ones are the original fry still growing up

you can see the erythromicron from time to time with an eye at the end of their tail. They are coming out of hiding more and more now but still quite nervous.

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

I had been waiting for the crypts to grow out for a bit longer so I could take a photo. They had all recovered from the various melts and had quite a few leaves.

Since putting in the new light bulb the twisted val was putting out wider twistier leaves and the tenellus tenellus seems to be adapting also. There has been strands of hair algae and a bit of dust algae on the glass but other than that no serious complaints.

The 2 sword plants are doing OK. This last month the big bit seems to have converted to submersed as a few old leaves died and the new ones are longer and less spade shaped than the others.

Yesterday I noticed one crypt had a shiney patch on a leaf, today every single one of them has started melted. I have done nothing to the tank in the last few weeks, certainly haven't touched the gravel and the water changes have been very small or non-existent. Lighting has been the same, algae growth has been same, no new fish. I am started to get really irritated with it. I think it is time to give up on crypts in here. :-?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Rescaped - a little more traditional in layout now.

Wood broken into smaller pieces. New rock on the right, other 2 rocks spread out more. New java fern, extra narrow leaf java fern & anubias, same swords, same tenellus tenellus (trimmed), christmas moss and crypts removed. Twisted val spread to the right slightly.


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