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Need help IDing a plant

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I got a plant bunch from Animates on Friday and it's got green/pink leaves and I don't think they were there when I got it, but today I noticed it has some white flowers on it. At first I thought it was mould or something because they are fluffy but they are flowers. Anyone know what it could be? I will try to post a photo of it.

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Have to agree with A-town. not an aquatic plant and will probably rot off in your tank. Grows OK as a pot plant on the window sill. Unfortunately there are a lot of plants sold in the shops that are like that.

Yeah I purchased some plant from HHF that isn't an aquatic plant... why sell them?

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Because people buy them? :slfg:

Which is the same reason they keep selling horribly inbred deformed mutated carp. :P

Looks like a really pretty plant, but there are a lot of nice looking true aquatic plants too.

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You can advise people that various plants are not aquatic plants as much as you like but these are often the the plants that people want. Good examples would be peace lillies, spider plant--sold as wheat grass and most of the red plants. Supply and demand. Do your homework first. Another problem of course is that the shops don't know what the plants are either. I don't know how many times I have asked what a plant is and got the answer $3.50 a bunch.

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You can advise people that various plants are not aquatic plants as much as you like but these are often the the plants that people want. Good examples would be peace lillies, spider plant--sold as wheat grass and most of the red plants. Supply and demand. Do your homework first. Another problem of course is that the shops don't know what the plants are either. I don't know how many times I have asked what a plant is and got the answer $3.50 a bunch.

So far I've gone through 5 sets of plants in the last few months and managed to only get one of them to grow. Something sword I think. I think most were aquatic and were actually labeled, but can't remember what. Stupid dying plants.


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Alternanthera Bettzickiana. Pink water rose is its common name. Cant say Ive ever seen it grow in an aquarium and dont think it does well underwater. more of a bog/marsh plant.

Thanks for that. :D I googled the scientific name... apparently it's a calicoplant. I think my mum has had this in her garden. Will have to ask her. It seems to be doing ok... but it's only been in there for about 6 days. The other plant I have seems ok. Hopefully they will both be fine. I really like the calicoplant.

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You can advise people that various plants are not aquatic plants as much as you like but these are often the the plants that people want. Good examples would be peace lillies, spider plant--sold as wheat grass and most of the red plants. Supply and demand. Do your homework first. Another problem of course is that the shops don't know what the plants are either. I don't know how many times I have asked what a plant is and got the answer $3.50 a bunch.

Thanks. I had a look on the net last night but I found it hard to find any websites that have a good list of freshwater aquatic plants with names and pictures. Do you know of any?

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