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my doctor is a tiny little person and how she explained it to me is that if you look at both our wrists it has the same amount of skin but mine is much much bigger if you measure around it in cm. She said that shows that my bones will be heavier in mass and bigger than for eg hers. She explained that all to me, because I wanted to lose more weight until I was down all the way to 75 (which according to the wii will be borderline healthy and overweight) but she said I was aiming to low, for my bonestructure and length (I am 1.74cm) I only need to go down to about 85kg which is only 3.6kg away, but I insisted on losing more. I was actually in hospital from over exurting (sp) myself, I was dieting and exercising more than 5 hours a day. She just wanted me to stop and think. Her explanation had me thinking especially since I measured it against my hubby's and mine was bigger than his. I have always had curves, guess I must just accept them now. I will never have a barbie doll figure especially with my 35th birthday looming

Having a larger bone area doesn't necessarily mean that your bones are denser, as diets have the largest effect on our bone structure during our lifetimes. For example high sugar diets will cause de-calcification which makes your bones soft and brittle and therefore lighter, it just means that someone who has a larger frame doesn't necessarily have a heavier frame. Most people's wrist are usually quite fat free, its not a normal place for fat deposits to occur, so i can understand why your doctor/physiotherapist would have used that as a reference point BUT the connection between your Radius, Ulna and carpels is a high impact zone, and through your life becomes a high injury zone, this often means that many people, especially in their adult years, due to over use or injury and having a lessened ability to heal at this age, generally have calcification in this area. Which increases your bone density as well as bone size. out of curiosity though, would you be against giving me your wrist measurements? I've always had what i feel to be, very dainty lady like wrists, i'd be interested to know the comparison. Also curious about your employment/sporting/injury history, as i'm sure your doctor probably already asked you, these are good questions to help us gauge certain aspects of your life that we can then apply to a scientific view of your anatomy.

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Thanks for the link Sophia, that was beautifully said by Amy

LOL Fishguy

livebearer_breeder sure LOL My wrists are 17cm. I used to do a lot of swimming in school, got certificates :wink: and I had my profinsial clothes in athletics I was especially good at the 3000 and 5000 metres and also did cross country up until high school. My last big sporty thing was a bicycle tour at the age of 18, from there on I met my hubby and got married and had kids. Now I am back to running, I try to do 5km a day and do it quite successfully, would never have imagined doing it three years ago. When I was 17 I had very bad meningitis and had to have an epidural done once a week to keep an eye on it. The doctor said that I had very good marrow and would be a great marrow transplant patient if I ever wanted to consider it. My doctor is aware of that, and that might be why she said my bones are heavy too, cause the doctor that did the epidural( could be a different name, its when they draw marrow from inbetween your bones on your spine. You have to lie super still while they do it) was suprised that my little container of marrow was so heavy. I am a noob when it comes to biology stuff so its easier to say my marrow is heavy and my bones are big :slfg:

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I am stable at the weight that is the top of my weight/height range but hopefully it will drop eventually back to what it was before surgery - if I stop eating so many treats!

Mcrudd that Malva pudding was delicious!

You will get there Caryl, recovering after surgery takes very long and should not be rushed, your health is much more important. My mom is coming on Monday and I am going to ask her to make me some Malva Pudding, hers is much yummier than mine. I love Malva pudding, what did you have with it?

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I don't think we had anything with it as we didn't have anything else to go with it. It is nice on its own with the syrup stuff poured over. It was way nicer than I expected with a lot more flavour than I thought it would have.

I know how excited you are to finally be seeing your mum after all these years. I guess we won't see you in here for a while after her arrival :lol:

How long is she able to be here? I am sure we will soon be seeing lots of happy family shots in Facebook :happy1: :happy2: :bounce:

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She will be arriving at one in the afternoon on Monday. I am running around like a chicken with an off head cleaning and washing bedding LOL. She is only here for three weeks, its her year's leave. She will be leaving on the 12th October, Her visit is my 35th birthday present. Best present ever. Oh yes you are gonna see lots of pics on facebook once my mom is here, we even bought a new camera LOL

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YOU LOOK AWESOME:):):) Congratulations!

I had lost over 30 lbs. not sure right now since I just bought a new scale for home so off a bit. Not able to exercise at the moment. My daughter, grandson, and I were in a car accident Sept. 8th so only exercises are the ones physio gave me for my neck...grrrr!

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YOU LOOK AWESOME:):):) Congratulations!

I had lost over 30 lbs. not sure right now since I just bought a new scale for home so off a bit. Not able to exercise at the moment. My daughter, grandson, and I were in a car accident Sept. 8th so only exercises are the ones physio gave me for my neck...grrrr!

Wow well done Caper !!!! So sorry about the car accident, may you all heal well physically as well as mentally, car accidents are scary stuff. I am rooting for you with your weight loss Keep it up. I will get back to losing a bit more once my mom returns to South africa in two weeks.

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The thing that helped me to lose weight was realizing that eating less is 10x more effective than exercising. I also got the FatSecret app on my phone because I'm a nerd and the graphs and numbers were motivating for me.

I am sorry Munkii but for someone who has been dieting and trying every possible weightloss secret out there, believe me I have spend thousands of dollars on Sureslim, Dr Cohen, Body for life, Weight Watchers, and Weigh less, and eating less by itself never ever works, yes the weight falls off you, but it does not stay off, and sometimes if you do a severe less eating all you lose is water and muscle. The best thing is a good balance between both. Eat a smaller plate of food and eat healthy, but don't eat like a rabbit. You need your Protein, Carbs and Greens never cut out one of them. And then try and exercise at the least half an hour a day. Most important is not to lose weight to quick as well. I lost 38 kg in 4 months and picked it all up again in less. Slow and steady is the way to go. I started my weight loss target three years ago all ready and I am a size 12 now and I used to be a 26/28. You can see my before photo I think on page 7 of this thread.

It is deffinetly 50/50. Eat healthy and Exercise for a healthy body

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Well all after several years I am done. I am happy with my body as is. I can not remember when last I could say that, but I am really happy. This will be my last update in this thread, as I am no longer losing weight but just maintaining it now :happy1:


Good luck to the rest of you still losing weight, Its hard work and don't let someone let you believe its easy. And its ongoing, it never stops, you have to carry on with a healthy lifestyle and exercise or you will just pick it back up again, take it from me, I was an expert in yo yo dieting :facepalm:

Love an hugs to you all and thanks for all your support :kiss: :love:

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