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Mostly due to Indian Fern 8)

LOL My tank is driving me potty, it just wont stop growing :nilly: Every week I do a waterchange I take handfulls of christmas moss, ambulia, indian fern and some other big leaved plant out. I just can't keep up. Last week I just gave some away, will try and do that once a week, its just that I live so far out of the way pick up is difficult :wink:

Today I did washing and washing, cursed I am to have a intex pool LOL

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hahaha :sml2:

I don't think I deserve a muffin this weekend. Had too many naughty things already this week :facepalm:

now change the subject so I can stop thinking about food :o

how is it that if I say I want to watch a nature programme my husband moans and groans it's not exciting enough for him, but then I hear him watching it while he flicks channels in the other room :sage: I'm going to go and spring him in the act :happy2:

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Got my occlusive dressing removed today and managed to walk 3km! Not quite half the distance I am used to doing daily but it is a start and only 9 days after surgery. I can also bend down (carefully) and pick stuff up off the floor! :happy1:

Waiting for the lawn to dry out a bit more so I can mow it. The battery operated mower struggles a bit when it is wet.

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Caryl I hope you are being good to yourself and not overdoing it with the mowing. Nothing worse than the healing process dragging on due to an impatient subject! :sage:

In other news I now have 5 microrasbora erythromicron in my breeding tank. Their colours were a little fadey so fingers crossed I picked a mixture of males and females :happy1:

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Anthony do you make the old fashioned type that are more like a large, flat meringue or the newer, high, soft version found today?

I was going to make them but as I am doing all the baking for my dad's 80th, it was going to take up too much time (and egg whites) so bought bulk :wink:

Sophia I wish you well with those little cuties.

Not overdoing it. Having a good day today (bad one yesterday) and only had 2 painkillers at 8.30am.

Mowed the lawns (but Grant had to put the battery in and empty the catcher each time) and he did the edges and weeded a bit around the pond. He found a Myriophyllum I thought had died and cleared the pond filter inlet tube again. He has yet to build a mesh covering for it but has bought the materials.

We have taken off all the protective, white, frost coverings from the climbers at the end of the pergola. The stupid things like to twine in a big fat mass rather than spread out and grow along the pergola beams like I want them too :an!gry

Fed the goldfish, since they were all hanging about seeing what we were up to. They are looking good but no sign of spawning as yet, which is unusual. Usually they have been at it since early November!

Lilies are flowering a lot and leaves are now large and green. For the first few years I was concerned as the leaves were small and brown.

LOTS of large snails in the pond. If anyone wants some I am sure we can spare a few (thousand) :thup:

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Just managed to successfully convert the video my daughter was in with their end of year concert, a friend recorded for me but it was a m2ts format, and my pc took some time to accept it. Well enjoy the video http://s265.photobucket.com/albums/ii238/mcrudd/?action=view&current=20111207091255.mp4

the kids seem a bit confused in the beginning, its where the teacher mucked up the song a bit, but then they are on their way again

here is a pic of my daughter (she is right in the front) so you can recognise her in the video, you can see she loves to play her wii dancing games, she is seven :slfg:


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Someone should have told that boy to sit down! :roll:

At least they were all having fun.

I have just realised it is my wedding anniversary today so happy anniversary to me. 34th I think :-?

One day Grant and I will actually remember it. It is my mum's fault as she usually reminds us but obviously has forgotten it herself :facepalm:

Here is the pond as of a few minutes ago...



The plants have grown a bit since the beginning eh? Here it is in Nov 2007...


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