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Just noticed one of my little mystery fry (guppy or platy) has gone from slim and white to kinda tubby and orange. Looks super neat cause it's still so small. Really loving this predator free tank, don't have to worry about them getting gobbled up 8)

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If it becomes or has become a legal issue what happens with Squirt should not be discussed on here and he and his family should be advised by a lawyer and/or comply with the requests of MAF. I believe that a serious legal issue is not going to have anything to do with the forum and the FNZAS because a) he was never encouraged to purchase them so it does not reflect on any reputation, and b) it has become a private legal matter. By all means privately discuss with a senior member as Liam suggests if it makes Squirt feel better but I do not believe it's necessary or particularly anyone else's business now.

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Ahhh the nostalgia that video brings back. /ninetieskid4ever

Wouldn't you have been a toddler when that came out? :lol:

I was in my prime, my friends and I used to have huge fights over who got to be which Spice Girl, I always wanted to be Scary but I always had to be Sporty. :( It was so complicated being 8.

The What's Up thread has become a bit heavy going in the last few pages.

Back to planting veges!

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I was sent this today:

Have you ever noticed:

1. You can't respect a man who carries a dog.

2. A penny saved is a government oversight.

3. The sole purpose of a child's middle name is so he can tell when he's really in trouble.

4. The Miracle of Aging – Eventually you will reach a point when you stop lying about your age and start bragging about it.

5. The easiest way to find something that’s lost around the house is to buy a replacement.

6. There's no panic like the panic you momentarily feel when you've got your hand or head stuck in something.

7. The Roman Numerals for forty (40) are XL.

8. The most painful household incident is wearing socks and stepping on an upturned plug.

9. People who don't drive slam car doors too hard

10. You know you've turned into your dad the day you put aside a thin piece of wood to specifically stir paint with.

11. Everyone has had an uncle who tried to steal their nose.

12. Bricks are horrible to carry.

13. Its impossible to look cool whilst picking up a frisbee.

14. In every plate of chips there is a bad chip.

15. Beneath every floating balloon is a tearful child.

16. Driving through a tunnel makes you feel excited.

17. Prodding a fire with a stick makes you feel manly.

18. Rummaging in an overgrown garden will always turn up a bouncy ball.

19. One of the most awkward things that can happen at the pub is when your pint-to-toilet cycle gets synchronised with a complete stranger.

20. Nobody ever dares make cup-a-soup in a bowl.

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