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To be honest, you should get all the options you want. I mean you going to be stuffed if you need one subject to get into uni or something and don't get into it, stuffing up your career.

Off to Singapore tomorrow morning. Going to get some beats.





Red or black ones?

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Weeelllll, I got a sample out for you and was about to put it on the courier but it fell into my mouth with some spray cream, a bit of apricot jam and some passionfruit sauce :cofn:

thats just evil.... :evil:

Also, I enjoy a good beer, or bourbon, and enjoy going to town etc, but there is no way that i would give someone the hairy eyeball for not partaking... I smoke pipe tobacco too, and again, wouldn't push it on someone else...

horses for courses, it my life, I'll do what I want, and I expect those around me to respect that... just as I respect your choice not to partake... :thup:

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To be honest, you should get all the options you want. I mean you going to be stuffed if you need one subject to get into uni or something and don't get into it, stuffing up your career.

Off to Singapore tomorrow morning. Going to get some beats.

Don't do it! They look good but don't sound good and for the price you'd be better off with sennheisers.

but if you must then get the black ones :)

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:D I've been saving for beats but it'll come down to price. Beats are $250 cheaper in SG from Apple. Got 4 4gb memory cards to take a few pictures with. Might go to the fish farm as well. :roll:

Some teachers weren't very impressed that I was going away. But you only live once. Plus Monday's a holiday, so not missing too much school.

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They have to fit everyone into a specific timetable. Another subject I am doing this year, which I also really don't want to do, but was forced to choose, is drama. However I already knew about that, although it still bugs me. And the fact that they are allowed to just randomly put me into a class I didn't choose really angers me. At Animation today the teacher gave us a course overview and it is really boring and will get me nowhere in life. Like you said Sophia, it's a waste of time when I could be doing something that I could actually be learning from.

That art class I do is out of school. It is visual art - painting, sketching, figure drawing, photography etc. The Animation class at school is of no use to me whatsoever. The subjects I am supposed to be doing are Applied Science, Geography, History and Photoshop. I don't really mind if I miss out on Geography, but if it's any of the others I will be very angry.

I think it stinks. Hopefully you get the rest of your choices.

In other news, today I put aside some more mini meringues to send to Cricketman but this time they fell into my mouth as Eton Mess with softly whipped cream, melted milk chocolate and some prunes. !drool: There are now only 2 left, I wonder what fate will befall those... :nilly:

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Haha good ol hong kong markets. I wouldn't think they'd be authentic from the markets.

I got an awesome little Mah Jong set from those markets. Only problem with it is that when you pkay with the relatives theyre too old to see the characters :smln: :sml1: .But mainly from stall to stall they have pretty similar stuff.

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in yr 9 you dont choose anything and anyway animation sounds alright

Trust me, it is a waste of time when I am interested in doing other stuff, which I need credits from if I am to continue it in later years. Sure it sounds fun, but it could possibly ruin a few years of study that I need to set me up for uni. If I don't get those credits, I can't take those other subjects that I will need to do in year 11, 12 and 13. And I really don't want to do animation for a job. I would rather be a biologest or scientist of some sort or even a vet.

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Once you get out of college and have decent L1 L2 and L3. Plus UE.

My mates were astonished that I've dropped economics for the sciences. It's like :dunno: what's wrong chemistry, physics or biology will get me further in a health based career (dentistry) than economics.

Take the Asian 5. Maths-calculus, physics, biology, chemistry and accounting/statistics. Yeah buddy!

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I always stuck by my guns when it came to who I was at college. People were like "pfft weirdo listens to metal", "why would you ride a stupid road bike?", "Fish are stupid", "Why doesn't he drink? He so isn't cool".

Hahaha, I think you're weird and I like fish and metal! :P I went through that school several years before you and I decided to get a Halle Berry haircut and dye it blue black. I listened to a lot of metal. Hello "gothic lesbian" for a year. :sml1:

6 years after I left I was managing one of the bars and I got numbers given to me from the "cool, hot gangsta" guys who would have been horrible if I had actually listened to them in school. It was awfully disturbing and highly amusing at the same time.

A few years down the track it's fun running in to people are realising you're not so weird. :P

I can't believe I just browsed about 10 pages of this thread in case I missed anything. :smln:

Must be time for a nana nap after a hard day of baking. :yaw2:

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