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Wanted ... Male mouse, palmy area


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My mother in law is wanting a pet Male mouse, has to a male.

Please pm me if you know of anyone in the palmy area or she is near himatangi so even foxton/levin/sanson area.


I may have some. Pickup only from in my roof space.

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Does your mother in law want a male mouse as a pet or for breeding purposes or both? As pets, they're really not that great. Male mice definitely smell even if the cage is cleaned often. Also if they are pets I do not recommend breeding them. It's seriously a bad idea. I once had 2 male mice, mum then bought a female, and we ended up with 28 in 8 weeks...

get a rat =p they smell way less and the males smell less than the females, + you can walk round with them on you shoulder like a pirate :facepalm: with out them running away :nilly:

If your mum's just after a pet, I agree with waterlogged, rats are FANTASTIC pets. They're extremely affectionate, don't smell bad, and requires minimal care. The only thing is to make sure to buy a rat from a breeders or rescue, since pet-shop ones tend to have terrible temperament. Females rats tend to be playful, while males lazier, but males make very nice 'lap-rats'. If your she does not like the look of the male rats man-bits, they can be neutered by a vet :lol:. There even a pretty neat NZ rat keeper forum for heaps of information (ratclub.org), and it's even quite a good place to find a pet rat, as there are often rat adoption options available on that site.

Oh and waterlogged, I'd say that girl and boy rats both smell the same to me. I've had both and I've noticed no difference in smell. I'd describe the rat smell as a mild musky scent that I actually found quite nice :). Rats are very clean, they only ever smell bad if their cage isn't clean and is forced to walk in their own mess.

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yea my faties male rat take ages to get a dirty smell. my girls a few weeks. it's not bad but they just need to have a bath. think it's cuz I only clean the cage when it starts to look bad or smells.

Some smaller store can have decent rats. got mine from wet pets. and they had just come +been handled by kids heaps so had them sitting in my pocket in no time

:tears: I miss them being tiny

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yea my faties male rat take ages to get a dirty smell. my girls a few weeks. it's not bad but they just need to have a bath. think it's cuz I only clean the cage when it starts to look bad or smells.

Some smaller store can have decent rats. got mine from wet pets. and they had just come +been handled by kids heaps so had them sitting in my pocket in no time

:tears: I miss them being tiny

Well I don't think all petstore rats are bad, my first girl was from a pet store. She was kept in a tiny plastic cage by herself with no interaction with people but still turned out extremely sweet. Just that I recently saw the way they treat rats at animates. The rats almost behave like wilds, kept tying to squirm and run. Also a lady next to me was trying to return a rat she bought because it had biting problems, and they could give no advice on what to do so just let her swap her rat. No wonder their rats are bitey, they picked them up by their tails, and told people to hold them over the cage so if they try and run away and fall, they fall back into the cage :facepalm:. How about holding a rat properly, against your body, in the first place so they don't run?

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She is still looking for a male mouse, she has a female already but needs a male ... (for breeding purposes i shall not go into :sick: .. she got her female from wetpets, but they have no more left, animates here do have them, but she walked out of the store when she was told she HAD to fill in adoption papers for it :o ... so i thought i'd just see if anyone had any or knew of anyone who had any.

Thanks all for the reply's.

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Adpotion papers?! That's crazy, since when have they cared about mice? I'm guessing she needs them to breed for food for another pet? Actually, with the :sick: smiley it makes me think it must be something worse :P. Sorry I can't help, but it would've been easy to sauce one if you were in Aucks.

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for a mouse? really?

Any animal (excluding fish). Sold as pets only. Not for showing or breeding.

Have to agree to take it to the vet if it falls ill etc. Again a bit sad to see all stores in the chain being lumped in the same category when I have worked in the palmy store since 06' now and seen hundreds and thousands being spent on small animals the likes of mice and rats without a seconds hesitation.

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Any animal (excluding fish). Sold as pets only. Not for showing or breeding.

Have to agree to take it to the vet if it falls ill etc. Again a bit sad to see all stores in the chain being lumped in the same category when I have worked in the palmy store since 06' now and seen hundreds and thousands being spent on small animals the likes of mice and rats without a seconds hesitation.

Sorry for any offence, if the palmy store actually cares about small animals that's a good thing really. It's kinda hard NOT to lump different stores together though. Since it's kinda what the 'chain' part of chain stores implies.

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