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Hi from Wellington


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I'm Sam, grew up in Nelson and am now living in Wellington with my partner studying Biology and Anthropology at Victoria University.

I had a wee goldfish a few years ago, it somehow survived living in a tiny glorified cup with no dechlorination or filtration until it got released into a pond a few weeks later, poor thing.

I don't like not being around at least a few animals so a small aquarium is ideal for a flat, moving every year etc.

I've been planning it obsessively for the last few months and will begin fishless cycling the tank when I get home from xmas in Nelson.

It will be a lightly planted tank-with low maintenance plants ie. Java Fern. The tank I have is not large, 38L, and I want to stock it with a mixture of 6 Zebra/Leopard Danios (preferably long-finned) and 4 pygmy Corydoras. I have been researching and asking questions on other forums and this seems to be acceptable.

Any comments or tips would be welcome, I love to learn:)

Also, a question to the people in wellington: at the moment I am planning on getting stock from the Pet Centre in Lower Hutt, is this place reliable in terms of prices and healthy fish? When I went in it seemed well managed with a knowledgeable man in the fish section, just wanted to ensure that it was the rule and not the exception..

Anyway, I'll stop talking now:)




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Thank you everybody:)

@ Josh: It was indeed, oh the joys of trademe:) then I started learning and now the only thing I'm using from the set is the tank itself:)

@ Caryl:Good to know, thanks:)

@ Sam: Its such a wonderful name huh, so easy to spell...

@ Neon: I love it, especially as a holiday destination as its just so great to cruise in. And theres always a river nearby:)

@ Scottie: I'm currently in Brooklyn, might be moving soonish if we can find a better flat, but not too far.

And apologies for the many smilies I use, at least I admit I have problem:)

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