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Lola the duck laid and egg.. now what?


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we have two resident ducks that spend each day on our front lawn. They are young, I'd say first season as the boy barely has his male markings. Anyway .. i saw him mating her this morning and then 1/2 hour later.. an egg appears!

What do we do now? can we move the egg 1/2 metre to the garden so we can still mow the lawns. She sat on it for a while and is now sitting near it.. does the egg have to be warm at all times?

I'm worried about nightfall which is when the two ducks usually waddle back accross the road to the reserve.

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Make an omelette :wink:

I don't think they sit on them all the time and can sit beside them as the warm sun will keep the egg warm enough while the duck isn't on it.

If you move it off the lawn and it is abandoned she will soon lay another - hopefully out of the way.

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birds usually don't sit on the eggs other than to lay another egg. When they have laid them all they will sit on them and the eggs will then all hatch at about the same time. They may be young and have not got the process right yet. Birds like quail will lay eggs all over the place and then gather them up into a nest and start sitting on them.

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  • 2 weeks later...

up until two days ago the two ducks were visiting every day and turning over the 4 eggs but then abandoned them each night. they haven't been back since Friday and I suspect they have another nest across the road in the reserve.. where a nest should be!

I'll remove the eggs from our lawns in a day or so... the eels in the ponds will love them I'm sure!

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